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International Spring Retreat

Hof Schleglberg, Upper Austria, Europe
Saturday, Mai 24 - Saturday, Mai 31, 2025

This international retreat takes place at Hof Schleglberg in Upper Austria between Salzburg, Passau and Linz. One English and two German Satsangs per day, yoga, meditation. (Google Maps)

The Satsangs of this retreat take place in the bright and cosy attic of the ancient, beautifully renovated Haus Nostalgie at Hof Schleglberg, which was built in 1690. If you like, you can start your days with light yoga under the guidance of Simone Maria. After dinner, you can round off every day with collective Samarpan Meditation.

Daily Schedule

The daily schedule will look something like this (except first day):

individual Individual Meditation
7:00 - 8:00 h: Yoga (optional)
8:00 - 9:00 h: Breakfast
10:00 - 11:30 h: Morning Satsang (German)
12:00 - 13:00 h: Lunch
14:30 - 15:00 h: English Satsang 1)
16:00 - 17:30 h: Evening Satsang (German)
18:00 - 19:00 h: Dinner
19:00 - 19:30 Uhr: Group  Meditation

1) English Satsang is offered Sun. - Fri. when participants don‘t speak German. All Satsangs are open for all participants.

The Satsang room is available as a quiet space and meditation room during the entire retreat, except for yoga and cleaning times. Newcomers to Samarpan Meditation have the opportunity to take part in an online introduction to Samarpan Meditation during the retreat on Monday evening. More information below.

First and last Day

  • The retreat starts on Saturday, May 24 2025 at 6 pm with dinner, meditation 7 pm and Satsang 7:30 - 9 pm.
  • The retreat ends on Saturday, May 31 2025 after Satsang with lunch at 12 pm.

Further travel info see below.

Silence in the Retreat

A retreat is a valuable and rare opportunity to turn your attention entirely to yourself. I encourage you to use the time of the retreat as a real retreat, to be unavailable during this time, leave your computer at home and switch off your cell phone.

If you feel like it, you can stay in silence during the retreat time, refrain from talking and experience what it is like to become truly silent. There will be silence pins for you to signal to other people that you are not approachable, as well as a silent table in the dining room. Not speaking for several days is a wonderful, intense and transformative experience and I am happy to guide you through your silent week in Satsang.

However, this is not a silent retreat. It is your choice how you spend this time, and you can play with it just as you like – and if you like, you can play it differently and anew every day. A retreat is not a serious matter 🙃.

There are other groups taking place in the seminar house at the same time, so you will be surrounded by lively people at mealtimes, and there will also be people in the retreat who want to talk and engage. This is an opportunity for you learn this new dance: to keep your attention within, with you, even while being surrounded by people and dealing and talking with them – just like in "real life".


Every Satsang of the retreat is being recorded in audio and video. The recordings from the retreat will be published shortly after the retreat so that you can watch and relive all the Satsangs from the retreat as often as you like.

Participants will not be filmed. However, if you speak with me, your voice will be heard in the recording.

English Satsangs

I am particularly keen to open Satsangs and retreats also to all English-speaking people. Therefore, apart from the two daily German Satsangs, there will be one English Satsang on every day of the retreat except arrival and departure days.

I am more than happy to schedule English-only retreats as soon as there is enough demand for it ❤️. Please write to to express your interest.

Did you know that sitting in Satsang not understanding a single word is particularly beneficial? I'm not kidding – read on about this amazing phenomenon below.

Retreat Registration

Satsang Contribution:

7 days, 14 German Satsangs 375 €/CHF

+ 6 English Satsangs 1)

Deposit upon registration:
100 €/CHF (bank transfer, Paypal, Wise)

275 €/CHF final payment latest 1 week before start or cash upon arrival.

Information & Registration:

Simone Maria

Phone: +43 (664) 217 68 11

Phone hours: 19 - 21 h (CET)

Registration required.
Online participation is not possible.

1) English Satsang is offered daily except arrival and departure day when participants don‘t speak German. All Satsangs are open for all participants.

Booking of Accommodation & Catering

Booking of Accomodation:

Please book accommodation directly with Hof Schleglberg at their conditions. All prices include full board (FB).

Website: (German)
Phone: +43 (0)664 / 734 749 55

Office hours: 8 – 12 and 17 – 18 h

Note: Early booking is recommended. The number of rooms available for the retreat is limited.

The cuisine is both traditional and vegetarian and is of outstanding quality. Everything is cooked fresh and many ingredients are grown on the premises or locally. Individual special requests are possible on request.

The house has a wellness area with various saunas. Sauna prices are not included in the room price.

Prices per Day incl. FB:

Single room (FB) 105 €

Single r. (FB, shared bath) 98 €

Double room (FB) 91 €

3-bed room (FB) 89 €

Dormitory (FB) 75 €

own camper / tent (FB) 68 €

Notes for the Journey

Arrival by car: Google Maps

Arrival by train: the nearest ÖBB train station is Wendling b. Haag. Hof Schleglberg offers a free transfer from and to Wendling station.

Nearest international airports: Linz 56 km, Salzburg 97 km, Munich 177 km.

Meditation during the Retreat

I talk about Samarpan Meditation in one way or another in almost every Satsang and video. If you already know it, you will have the opportunity to meditate together in the group every evening during the retreat, in addition to your morning meditation.

As a newcomer, you can get to know this wonderful meditation during the retreat and try it out if you like. On Monday evening, there will be the opportunity to take part in a German online introduction to Samarpan meditation, which will be conducted by Samarpan Meditation Germany. You can also take part in this online introduction prior to the retreat on any Monday evening from 18:45 - 19:30. It is free of charge and great fun.
For English speaking participants, we will play an English introduction video on Monday evening, and I will answer questions afterwards.

Samarpan Meditation was brought to society by Satguru Shivkrupanand Swamiji from the Himalayas and is therefore also called Himalayan Samarpan Meditation. It has nothing to do with me personally – I am simply a meditator, just like you, and I share my experiences and insights from meditation.

Yoga during the Retreat

Yoga is a wonderful complement and preparation for meditation, because in yoga, you practise on a physical level what meditation is about on a spiritual level: relaxing into what is.

We are lucky to have Simone Maria, a sensitive yoga teacher, at the retreat, and if you like, you can start the day with yoga under her guidance. You can decide spontaneously each morning whether you feel like yoga or not. Yoga sessions are paid separately with Simone.

Swamiji recommends starting each day with physical exercises after meditation. Here is your opportunity!

Morning Yoga Flow with Simone Maria

I invite you to

  • practice a loving relationship with

    your body

  • experience the wonderful effect of mindfulness and slowing down

  • prepare your body and mind for meditation

 I look forward to seeing you!

  • basic skills are welcome

  • participation in individual sessions possible

  • no registration required

  • individual session € 8 / all 7 sessions € 50

In Retreat with Dhyan Mikael

Retreat is an opportunity for you to go on a journey of discovery towards the inside – an "inside" that has nothing to do with your body and feelings, thoughts and desires. The more silent and desireless you become inside, the more you become acquainted with what Swamiji calls the soul.

I have been traveling with my spiritual master Soham for over 20 years, and since 2017 I have been a disciple of the Indian Satguru Shivkrupanand Swamiji, who brings Samarpan Meditation from the Himalayas to society. He says: "I make your Soul your Guru." Through him and through meditation, I experience this in my own life.

When we sit together in Satsang during the retreat, you yourself get a taste of this unknown "inside" of you. It is like remembering something that you have known for a long time and have merely forgotten. And the more this grows, the more your life changes for the better, miraculously, as if by itself.

I invite you to set out on the path to discover your true self, and thus, Heaven. If I can do it, then you can too...

About the blessing of not understanding a word in Satsang

In this retreat, there will be one English Satsang in addition to two daily German Satsangs, because it is particularly important to me to open Satsang to all those who do not speak German. Of course, each of those three daily Satsangs are open to all participants.

But I invite you to attend the German Satsangs as well – especially if you do not speak German! Because if you don't understand the words that are being spoken, something amazing happens: your attention, no longer distracted by the words and by thinking about the words, now turns to what Satsang is actually about: to the energy that flows. This energy is the language of God, and it is the real gift of Satsang.

I experienced this myself in a shibir of my Guru Swamiji. Swamiji spoke Hindi and there was no translation. I didn't understand anything, so I just listened to the sound of his voice.

One discourse of this shibir in particular will stay with me forever. Although I did not understand any of his words, it was as if Swamiji was explaining to me the secret of my present life and the karma of my past life. Suddenly I understood my life and myself. It was indescribable.

And there was another experience similar to this one. For twenty years, I sat in Satsang with my master Soham almost every day. However, I was not a Satsang visitor, but part of Soham's team, and so I was busy during the Satsangs with both the technique and the communication with online participants. My attention was not on Soham's words, but on my task, and over the years I realized that this was a tremendous gift: it was as if everything Soham ever said went straight to my heart, unfiltered, because my head was highly concentrated on something else and had no time to doubt or question anything.

Therefore, I invite you to also consider those Satsangs as a gift in which you do not understand a word.

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