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Support me
if it gives you Joy!

Everything I do here is free of charge – and always will be, since what I pass on was also given to me as a gift; it does not belong to me. Nevertheless, I am very happy about support so that I can take the necessary time and energy for my videos, my Satsangs and for everything that is needed for this.

If it gives you joy to support me financially, you are making my videos and Satsangs possible. As an expression of my gratitude, I send my self-designed annual postcard to all active supporters once a year. I am happy about every single person who supports this project.❤️

Regular support

Regular donations are particularly helpful for me. This is easy and secure with a Steady membership – available from 8 € per month – or by standing bank order.

» more on this below

One-time donations

Of course, one-off or irregular donations are also welcome! I have listed below the donation options by bank transfer, Wise, Paypal and Bitcoin.

» more on this below


Support me if it brings you joy.

 Support me when it pleases you,
to let my work continue and grow.

I also make these videos, 
because nothing else gives me such joy, 
and nothing else gives me 
such wonderful energy.

Joy is a good compass.

The next steps – with your help!

My videos are my life project, my heart project. Nevertheless, it requires money and – above all – a lot of time. The more support I get from people like you, the more time I can spend making new videos.

In the first year since I started in May 2023, 90 German-language videos and recordings and 58 English-language videos and recordings were created.  The first Online Intensives took place at New Year, Easter and Whitsun. In June 2024, the Morning Moments newsletter started with daily quotes from these videos. In August, I experienced my first live Satsangs at the One Spirit Festival in Freudenstadt in the Black Forest, and more will follow in October at the Non-Duality Days in Upper Austria.

And I want to do a lot more: in addition to many more videos, Satsangs and Intensives, my next project is a podcast in which audio versions of all videos and recordings will be available – especially handy for listening to on the go. 

How far I get with it, and how fast, depends on the support this project gets.

And who knows what else may happen. This is only the beginning! I am happy that you are here.

Thank you!

I would like to thank all those who already support this project with their membership. To experience support already at this early stage, that encourages and touches me so much.

Every single contribution is so valuable!
My special thanks go...

to Germany to
Mona Lange, Stefan Hiene, Miles-Bennet Eigler, Arpitam, Prafula, Amala, Grit, Jens-Uwe Hummel, Amara, Barbara, Sahajo, Kerstin Schröder

to Austria to
Waltraut, Pavitra

into Switzerland to
Therese, Rita, Josefina, Barbara-Maria, Barbara Müller

to Denmark to
Birke Tepel

to Canada to

and to those who don't want to be mentioned.


Samarpan Meditation – free of charge for everybody

A note on my own behalf

Dear Friends!

In almost every one of my videos, I talk about Samarpan Meditation. I had already been on my spiritual path for 20 years and was happy and content when this gift from the Himalayas came to me and gave my life a completely new direction – the direction inside, an "inside" that I had not known until then.

However, Samarpan Meditation has nothing to do with me. I have simply been a meditator since 2017, just like thousands of other people around the world. The meditation is brought to society by Shivkrupanand Swamiji, the Indian Guru whose disciple I am.

It is free, accessible to everyone and not bound to any religion. In Germany and all over the world, it is spread by non-profit associations and people working on a voluntary basis. Participation in introductions to the meditation and meditation groups are also free of charge everywhere.

I give people the opportunity to support me and my videos by becoming a member. This might give the impression that this support is related to Samarpan Meditation, but this is not the case: it is always free and completely independent of me.

In Germany, the official contact for Samarpan Meditation is the non-profit association "Samarpan Meditation Deutschland e.V.". I have compiled links to the association's website and their official information on Samarpan Meditation, meditation groups, introductions and online meditations which you can find here.