German Online Satsang
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 20 - 21:30 h (CET)
This Online Satsang takes place in German and is free of charge. However, support through a membership or in the form of donations is very welcome. Registration is not required.
In Satsang, all questions you have about your life and your spiritual path are welcome. Simply write your question in the chat of the live broadcast or talk to me via Zoom. More information on this further below.
I invite you to attend this Satsang also if you do not speak German 😀. More on this further below.
Asking Questions during Online Events
During my Online Satsangs, I answer questions in the live broadcasted on YouTube and via Zoom. Simply write your question into the chat during the live broadcast on YouTube or Zoom, or talk to me directly via Zoom.
You can't be there live? Email your question to me in advance until the day before, I will either answer during Online Satsang – it will be read out if time permits – or I will answer in the next Satsang Video. More information here.
Please note: this is a German event. Questions will be read out and answered in German. For English events, see this page.
Each Online Satsang is being recorded. The recording of this Satsang will have German and English subtitles, and an English transcript will also be available. Recordings of all Online Satsangs can be found here.
About the blessing of not understanding a word in Satsang
I invite you to attend the German Satsang as well – especially if you do not speak German! Because if you don't understand the words that are being spoken, something amazing happens: your attention, no longer distracted by the words and by thinking about the words, now turns to what Satsang is actually about: to the energy that flows. This energy is the language of God, and it is the real gift of Satsang.
I experienced this myself in a shibir of my Guru Swamiji. Swamiji spoke Hindi and there was no translation. I didn't understand anything, so I just listened to the sound of his voice.
One discourse of this shibir in particular will stay with me forever. Although I did not understand any of his words, it was as if Swamiji was explaining to me the secret of my present life and the karma of my past life. Suddenly I understood my life and myself. It was indescribable.
And there was another experience similar to this one. For twenty years, I sat in Satsang with my master Soham almost every day. However, I was not a Satsang visitor, but part of Soham's team, and so I was busy during the Satsangs with both the technique and the communication with online participants. My attention was not on Soham's words, but on my task, and over the years I realized that this was a tremendous gift: it was as if everything Soham ever said went straight to my heart, unfiltered, because my head was highly concentrated on something else and had no time to doubt or question anything.
Therefore, I invite you to also consider those Satsangs as a gift in which you do not understand a word.
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