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What is Samarpan Meditation?

Recognize your Soul – a Gift from the Himalayas

Samarpan Meditation is a way to go within, to discover the wealth of wellbeing, satisfaction and happiness that lies within each one of us. It isn’t a religion or a philosophy. It’s not necessary to believe or disbelieve; just opening to the experience of our own hidden intelligence – the guru within – brings immeasurable benefits, no matter who we are, or what we believe in.

Samarpan Meditation is very simple and based on the principle of inner experience. It is a gateway to personal transformation, peace, happiness and satisfaction in life. As we go deeper into the practice of ‘being with our soul’ then we start receiving guidance from within.

Samarpan Meditation has been handed down over 800 years from one teacher to one pupil, but after many years of spiritual practice in the Himalayas, His Holiness Shree Shivkrupanand Swami returned with a wish to share the meditation with anyone who wanted to learn, and impart the same experiences that he had received in the Himalayas.  It has been developed for the present-day need and it has spread around the globe, being practiced by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

The meditation causes a spiritual energy – the Kundalini energy that lies dormant inside us – to awaken. This inner wisdom results in positive changes across many areas of life. These changes are personal and unique to each of us, but some of the benefits that people experience with consistent meditation are

  • less stress and tension
  • more energy and motivation
  • a more positive outlook on life
  • an increase in natural immunity and improved health
  • inner joy and satisfaction, and
  • a deeper spiritual connection and genuine peace.

New to Samarpan Meditation ?

Although Samarpan Meditation is utterly simple, it is recommended to participate in an Introduction Workshop or to watch one of the official recordings of such a workshop, so you learn first-hand how to do this wonderful meditation.

Below recording of an introductory session was published on the official Gurutattva YouTube channel from Swamiji where you find a host of vidoes about Samarpan Meditation and about Swamiji.

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The introductor workshop in this video was conducted by Samarpan Meditation USA. On their website, you find many more videos and information.

Wordwide Links to Online Meditations

All times are Central Europe Time

I translated these links for you from the wonderful German link listing on Samarpan Meditation Germany.

Daily Meditations

All times are Central Europe Time

  • Monday to Friday: Samarpan Meditation North America, 6:00 h (password: jbs)

  • daily: Samarpan Meditation UK,  6:30 bis 7:00 h

  • daily: Samarpan Meditation UK, 7:15 bis 7:45 h

  • daily: Samarpan Meditation Montreal, Canada, 12:00 h (password: jbs)

  • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: Samarpan Meditation Australia, 12:30 h (password: blessings)

  • Monday to Friday: Samarpan Meditation North America, 13:00 h (password: jbs)

  • Monday to Friday: Samarpan Meditation North America, 15:00 h (password: jbs)

  • Tuesday to Sunday: Samarpan Meditation Germany, 19:00 - 19:30 h (password: gurutattva)

  • Tuesday to Sunday: Samarpan Meditation from Sohamji’s Satsang room, 19:30 - 20:00 h

    (Wed. - Sun.: often followed by a reading from Swamiji's autobiography including German translation. More information can be found on Soham's website)

  • daily: Samarpan Meditation UK, 21:30 - 22:00 h

  • all day YouTube Samarpan Meditations from India, daily between 3:30 and 22:00 h:

    Himalayan Meditation:

    Meditation in Hindi without music:

    Meditation in Hindi with music:

    Meditation with the Ocean:

Weekly Meditations

All times are Central Europe Time

  • each Monday: Samarpan Meditation Germany, 20:00 - 20:30 h (password: odm2025).
    from 18:45 - 19:30: Introduction to Samarpan Meditation (in German). After the meditation at 20:30 h there is also time for questions.
  • every Tuesday: Weekly group meditation for children & young people, 18:30 h (password: Yeah)
  • every Wednesday: WeeklySamarpan Meditation UK, 20:50 h
  • every Saturday: weekly Samarpan Meditation North America, 16:00 h (password: jbs)
  • every Saturday: Satsang with bhajans, sharing and Samarpan Meditation from Kannada, India, 16:30 - 17:45 h (password: 222)
  • every Saturday: weekly Samarpan Meditation live from the 'Place of Meditation’ (Samarpan Center Europe), 18:00 h (password: blessings)
  • every Sunday: weekly Samarpan Meditation Peru, 14:30 h (password: 167338) (in spanish)
  • every Sunday: weekly Samarpan Meditation North America, 16:00 h (password: jbs)

If you look for this information regarding Germany, Austria or Switzerland, please see the original German version of this listing on

Samarpan Meditation – free of charge for everybody

A note on my own behalf

Dear Friends!

In almost every one of my videos, I talk about Samarpan Meditation. I had already been on my spiritual path for 20 years and was happy and content when this gift from the Himalayas came to me and gave my life a completely new direction – the direction inside, an "inside" that I had not known until then.

However, Samarpan Meditation has nothing to do with me. I have simply been a meditator since 2017, just like thousands of other people around the world. The meditation is brought to society by Shivkrupanand Swamiji, the Indian Guru whose disciple I am.

It is free, accessible to everyone and not bound to any religion. In Germany and all over the world, it is spread by non-profit associations and people working on a voluntary basis. Participation in introductions to the meditation and meditation groups are also free of charge everywhere.

I give people the opportunity to support me and my videos by becoming a member. This might give the impression that this support is related to Samarpan Meditation, but this is not the case: it is always free and completely independent of me.

In Germany, the official contact for Samarpan Meditation is the non-profit association "Samarpan Meditation Deutschland e.V.". I have compiled links to the association's website and their official information on Samarpan Meditation, meditation groups, introductions and online meditations which you can find here.

Reading Recommendations

I find it not only interesting and entertaining, but also very helpful to read a little bit of "Swamiji" every day. Just a few paragraphs are enough and I am engulfed by his energy, which carries me quietly and gently back to my soul. It is truly magical.

I recommend reading Swamiji's autobiography and the Madhuchaitanya magazine from Swamiji about Samarpan Meditation, which is published every two months. Both are in English. The first volume of the autobiography is also available in German, the other volumes are currently being translated into German.

Madhuchaitanya Magazine

The wonderful Madhuchaitanya magazine on Samarpan Meditation is being published every two months in English. It contains a greeting from Swamiji, current discourses by Swamiji and Guruma transcribed and translated, questions and answers on Samarpan Meditation, inspiring stories and a detailed portrait of a saint.

The cost of an annual subscription is currently 15 € including postage. If you are interested, simply send an email to Issues from previous years can also be reordered.

Swamiji's Autobiography

Swamiji's autobiography is a jewel. One reads about the quite amazing spiritual journey of this contemporary saint, described in such a natural, almost childlike way, and at the same time one learns the deepest spiritual truths in a way that anyone can understand.

All 6 volumes of Swamiji's autobiography are currently available in English, both as a book and as an ebook. The first volume is also available in German, the other volumes are currently being translated.

Links and further information on all volumes:

Volume 1

The first volume of Swamiji's autobiography is not only available in English, but also in German. 

Volume 1 English: Link to the Amazon page
Volume 1 German: Link to the Amazon page

The print version of the English volume 1 can be ordered at Search there for "Samarpan Yog in English".

Volume 2

The second volume of Swamiji's autobiography is currently only available in English, as a book and ebook. It is currently being translated and will soon be published in German.

Volume 2 English: Link to the Amazon page

The print version of the English volume 2 can be ordered at Search there for "Samarpan Yog in English".

Volume 3

The third volume of Swamiji's autobiography is currently only available in English, as a book and ebook. It is currently being translated and will soon be published in German.

Volume 3 English: Link to the Amazon page

The print version of the English volume 3 can be ordered at Search there for "Samarpan Yog in English".

Volume 4

The forth volume of Swamiji's autobiography is currently only available in English, as a book and ebook. It is currently being translated and will soon be published in German.

Volume 4 English: Link to the Amazon page

The print version of the English volume 4 can be ordered at Search there for "Samarpan Yog in English".

Volume 5

The fifth volume of Swamiji's autobiography is currently only available in English, as a book and ebook. It is currently being translated and will soon be published in German.

Volume 5 English: Link to the Amazon page

The print version of the English volume 5 can be ordered at Search there for "Samarpan Yog in English".

Volume 6

The sixth volume of Swamiji's autobiography is currently only available in English, as a book and ebook. It is currently being translated and will soon be published in German.

Volume 6 English: Link to the Amazon page

The print version of the English volume 6 can be ordered at Search there for "Samarpan Yog in English".

Meditate with me in Hendungen

On Monday and Saturday evenings, I take part in the wonderful online meditations of Samarpan Meditation Germany from home.  Anyone who would like to meditate with me here at my home is very welcome:

  • each Saturday, 18:00 - 18:30 h
  • each Monday, 20 - 20:30 h

If you have not yet taken part in an introduction to Samarpan Meditation, you are welcome to be here on Mondays at 6:30 pm and participate in the online introduction prior to the meditation.

My address:
Am Schuhflicker 21
97640 Hendungen

Located on the A71 between Schweinfurt and Erfurt in northern Bavaria just before Thuringia (show in Google Maps).

Please email me before coming because sometimes, I am travelling. Info about official meditation groups for Samarpan Meditation here.