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Without the Ten Commandments

How meditation awakens inner love and wisdom.

About this Video:

Everyone knows it from their own experience: if you are not strict with yourself, you become a victim of your own intemperance or ignorance in one area of life or another. Perhaps you smoke or eat far too much, and everything gets out of hand. And so, we deeply believe that we can't do without rules, punishments and discipline – not with ourselves, and certainly not with others.

And at the same time you experience: you can't do it. You spend a lifetime trying to pull yourself together, be reasonable and do the right thing. But there is no end to this struggle with yourself, and so you feel like a failure or a sinner.

And then, someone like Jesus comes along and says the exact opposite. When he was asked: "What about the Ten Commandments? What rules should we live by?", he said: "Love God with all your soul. And: love your neighbor as yourself." What he said was a revolution: "Forget the rules and love instead. Everything else will happen by itself." But of course, people turned his words into more commandments – because they didn't understand him. They neither knew where to find this God whom they had to love, nor how this love works, yet he spoke in a very practical and direct way, as always.

In this video, I talk about how through Samarpan Meditation, you can turn inwards and discover your true nature – your soul, God – and how automatically, you come into contact with the inner love and wisdom that are the nature of the soul.

You begin to love yourself, you begin to love everyone else, and by itself, you only do what is in harmony with this love. Then you no longer need commandments. You have discovered the source of inner wisdom. This is possible for you.

Complete text for reading along:

Good morning.

I am happy that you are here. In this video this morning, I want to talk about the Ten Commandments. And I want to talk about this seemingly contradictory thing that on the one hand, we have these old religious rules, these holy rules, these commandments. But on the other hand, I say, and others say: "Be the way you are. Don't change."

And I get questions, I get emails concerning the subject where I am being asked: how does this work? Where people report to me their experiences that they actually do need rules and discipline where they have to force themselves to those things where they know: this is good.

And I would like to shed some light on this, and I would like to tell you the secret of how you can live without rules; how you can live a life which happens out of itself, without you having to watch out all the time that you do the right thing and that you avoid the wrong things.

Rules don't work

The 10 commandments are very, very old. They date before the first Christian scriptures.

They were developed during a time where humans did know not know themselves. They were not connected to God inside. They didn't know out of themselves what was right and what is wrong. So, rules were needed to allow humans to live together in communities for the benefit of everybody, for the benefit of the entire group, the village, the city, the country.

People had to be told: "Don't do this, do that – then, we can live together; then, it somehow works."

Now the interesting thing is that these rules do not work. It does not make any difference to tell a person who doesn't know by himself what to do. He will still do whatever he wants. And that's why punishment was needed. Very severe, very brutal punishments were needed to enforce those rules.

But it was not possible in any other way. The Ten Commandments were just practical rules, developed to allow humans to live together in the best harmony possible. They are not holy. They have nothing to do with God. They are man-made, from man, for man.

But this is the only thing which used to work. This is how humans grew up, and this is why it's in the Bible, in the Old Testament. But the side effect of this is that today we believe that this has something to do with God: God wants me to follow these rules – then, I will be loved by God. These rules are so old, and this way of living, this living by rules rather than by that what I know by myself, this way of living is so old that we cannot imagine anything else.

That's what people believed and what people still believe to this day: that without rules, it is not possible for human beings to live together, and because of this, without punishment. It's the same today. Our rules, our laws, they don't work. None of these laws work. Only together with severe punishment do they have some sort of effect, on some people.

Jesus was a revolution

And then, about two thousand years ago, there came a human being. His name was Jesus. And he said something completely different.

That's why he was such a revolution. That's why he met so much resistance. What Jesus said was: the time has come for you to live by other rules. The time has come for you to live by what you find inside of yourself, and not by external rules which you follow without knowing what they mean. He was asked... People asked him: "What about the Ten Commandments? What rules, what commandments should we live by?"

And then came Jesus, and he said something completely different. That's why he was such a revolution. That's why he met so much resistance. What Jesus said was: the time has come for you to live by other rules – to live by what you find inside of yourself, and not by external rules which you follow without knowing what they mean.

And he said: "There are two rules, and, actually, it's only one rule..." That's what he said. He says: "Love God. Honor God. And the second commandment" – and he said, which is equal to the first, it means they are basically the same: "love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Now, this was a revolution. He said: if you love God, if you turn towards God, if you turn inwards – or, in today's words, in today's language: if you meditate, if you pray, if you live inside –, then you will love yourself. Then you will love your neighbor. Then, out of your own inner being, everything else happens – all the right things. He said: "Put God first. Love God – and everything else will follow out of that."

People asked: "What about the Commandments? What rules should we live by?" And he said: Love God. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. This was a revolution. He said: if you love God, if you meditate, if you live inside, you will love yourself. Then, you will love your neighbor. Then, out of your own inner being, everything else happens – all the right things.

But people were not ready. People did not understand what he was saying. He was an announcement. This was his good news. His good news were: life can be lived in an entirely different way. The actual way, the actual human way, humanity, is something different, but you not have not discovered it yet. You live outside, by outside rules.

It doesn't work, it's brutal, but you don't know anything else. But there is something else. If you turn inwards, if you find God – that what everybody else looks for out there, in some Heaven or God knows where –, if you find God in you, if you turn to God, then you will find the source of a different kind of law: the law of love.

His good news were: life can be lived in an entirely different way. You live by outside rules. It doesn't work, it's brutal, but you don't know anything else. But there is something else. If you turn inwards, if you find God in you, if you turn to God, then you will find the source of a different kind of law: the law of love.

But this law works different. This law works by itself. The outside laws need to be enforced by punishment, and since people didn't know anything else, they believed that God is a punishing God.

And Jesus said for the first time that it works completely different: When you turn inwards, you will meet yourself, your true being – not that what you think you are... I am not talking about this; I am not talking about this body and the feelings and thoughts and fears and dreams and wishes connected with it, but your true being, that what Swamiji calls the soul, that what Jesus calls God... If you turn towards that, if you begin to discover that in you, you will get connected to your true being.

And out of this, by itself, you will know what's right and wrong. You will start loving yourself, and you will not be able to do anything which is not in accordance with this love.

When you turn inwards, you will meet yourself, your true being, that what Swamiji calls the soul, that what Jesus calls God... And out of this, by itself, you will know what's right and wrong. You will start loving yourself, and you will not be able to do anything which is not in accordance with this love.

And you know this. Every human being who is of a certain age knows this. When you fall in love with another human being... Maybe you know this experience. You fall in love, and in this love, you are so open. What it actually is when you fall in love with another human being is that you experience God – you just don't know it, but you experience the quality of God. You experience the quality of your soul.

Everything you see in the other person is beautiful to you. Everything the other person does is beautiful to you. You just love the other person. There is no question. You don't look at the other person: "Do I like this? Do I like that?" No. You are in love. Your eyes see different. You hear different. You only see beauty. You only hear beauty.

And you are different, too. You are happy. You love yourself. Maybe you experienced this... You fall in love, and you start cleaning up your flat. You make it beautiful – for yourself. People around you notice this change in you. You become a nice person. You become a good person. You do nice things – because you are in love.

You are in love, and you would do anything for the other person because – you are in love. You think, you do this for this other person, but it has nothing to do with this other human being. You are in love, for the short amount of time. And you don't think about yourself at all. You would do anything for this other person, without any hesitation. And just as a side effect, you are also nice to other people. You walk along the street, and there is a beggar, and you give this beggar money, and you are happy because you do it – because you are in love.

The love that comes from inside

When you are in love, you know what's right, you know what's wrong. You become a good person. It comes out of yourself. For a short amount of time – you don't know how it happened; just by accident, it seems – you get connected to God, and you see God. That is why everything is so beautiful. But, of course, then this time vanishes again. You forget this. It was like a short moment of openness, and then, you close-up again and you are the way you were before.

And then, the other person becomes ordinary. You become ordinary again, like everybody else. You stop being nice to yourself. You stop being nice to the other people, and you are back to normal. But you got a taste – and this is the quality Jesus was talking about. But you don't know how to get back there. You don't know how to live there permanently. You think it has to do with the other person. Then, this time is gone, and you think: "Oh, I was mistaken.

When you are in love, you know what's right, you know what's wrong. You become a good person. It comes out of yourself. For a short amount of time – you don't know how it happened; just by accident, it seems – you get connected to God, and you see God. That is why everything is so beautiful.

It's not the right person. I need somebody else where it can be like this forever." But you see, it never had anything to do with the other person. It only had to do with yourself. For some moments, you were close to yourself. You met another human being, and there was something in the quality of this other human being which reminded you of yourself; which reminded you of your original being.

You got a taste, but you don't know how to live there permanently. You think it has to do with the other person, but it only had to do with yourself. For some moments, you were close to yourself. You met another human being, and there was something in the quality of this other human being which reminded you of your original being.

You know, it is like this... You don't know anything about this, most people cannot remember this... But when you die, when you leave your body, it's not that you die. You leave your body, and then you are only that what you truly are: a soul. And when you are still on your spiritual path as a soul, you live life after life until you learn to recognize your own soul while you are alive.

That's what the purpose of this life is. And when you leave this body, but you have not realized your true nature yet, you will come back into the next life. And in this in between time, between death of the body and the birth of your next body, you meet other souls, and you conspire together to help each other in this task of realizing yourself while you are in a body. And then, some soul comes to you and says: "Listen. I will help you. In the next life, I will come to you, and I will remind you."

And some of... not some. Every person you fell in love with in this life is such a soul, a soul who comes to you in this earthly, bodily life, and just by looking at this other person, you remember. You don't know anything about this consciously. You don't know what's really happening. But you meet this other soul.

You have the feeling as if you know this other person since eternity – and this is true. And through this meeting, you are reminded about your own true self, your own eternity inside of yourself. This is what makes you so happy. This is what makes the profound change in you and in your experience of life, for a short moment, for some days or weeks or months.

It is that you have been reminded of yourself what created this magic. And I am also one of those souls. I just remind you in a different way. So, this is the magic of love. This is what Jesus was talking about: when you come close to yourself, when you turn to God, to the inside, then you will meet the love which is there, which is your nature. This is the original quality of soul – of God; that's the same.

Then, some soul comes and says: "In the next life, I will remind you." Every person you fell in love with in this life is such a soul, and just by looking at this other person, you remember. Through this meeting, you are reminded about your own true self, your own eternity inside of yourself. It is that you have been reminded of yourself what created this magic.

And out of this, you love yourself, you love your life, and you love everybody around you.

I am also one of those souls. I just remind you in a different way. So, this is the magic of love. This is what Jesus was talking about: when you come close to yourself, when you turn to God, to the inside, then you will meet the love which is your nature. This is the original quality of soul – of God. And out of this, you love yourself, your life and everybody around you.

That's what Jesus said. He said: if you do this, if you come close to yourself, if you come close to God, to the God in you, then you don't need the Ten Commandments. They don't work, but what I bring you works.

That's what Jesus said. He said: if you do this, if you come close to yourself, if you come close to God, to the God in you, then you don't need the Ten Commandments. They don't work, but what I bring you works.

And that's why there are many wise people, and that's why I also say, that when you manage to come close to yourself, this is all which is needed. That's why I tell you: be the way you are. Start meeting yourself where you are – but meditate. You see... You turn inwards – that's the meditation – and at the same time, you allow yourself to be the way you are. You stop applying rules to yourself. You stop applying discipline, but instead, you use this energy to come closer to yourself. You meditate. And when you do these two things together, that's what changes you.

That's what enables you to live a life without rules, without commandments, because out of your own being, you know exactly what's right and wrong. Nobody has to tell you. It's like when you are in love. Nobody tells you what to do. You just do all the right things.

Start meeting yourself where you are – but meditate. You stop applying discipline to yourself, but instead, you use this energy to come closer to yourself. You meditate. And when you do these two things together, that's what changes you. It's like when you are in love. Nobody tells you what to do. You just do all the right things.

But people cannot imagine this, and that's why I speak about it.

I said in the beginning: we grew up living according to rules. Already as children, as small children... Your parents never asked you: "What do you like? How do you feel like?" No. They told you how to do things. They told you what's right, what's wrong, what they want, what they don't want. And this is just so normal for us that we just cannot imagine that it could work in any different way – because we don't know this inner source. We don't know this God. We don't know this well of love which we carry inside of us. And because of this, we cannot imagine it.

And the way to discover this is by being the way you are, and at the same time meditating. Meditating facilitates this what Jesus called "put God first; love God". You need to discover God, and you do this by meditating. That's the practical, simple way. It's nothing esoteric. It's nothing mental. You don't have to imagine anything – quite the contrary. You leave all the imagination. You leave all the thoughts. You just meditate – and you let yourself be the way you are.

Meditating facilitates this what Jesus called "put God first; love God". You need to discover God, and you do this by meditating. That's the practical, simple way. It's nothing esoteric or mental. You don't have to imagine anything – quite the contrary. You leave all the imagination, all the thoughts. You just meditate – and you let yourself be the way you are.

And that starts this development. It's a practical thing. That's why it works.

The pain is what liberates you

Now, if you do this, something interesting happens, and that's where many people get confused.

You start meditating, and by this, almost automatically, you meet yourself. You get to know yourself. You notice how you really are, and you let yourself be the way you are. You just can't do it in any other way anymore. And when that happens, it gets difficult.

There you meet yourself – how you really are. I want to give you an example. Let's say you smoke, but you hate smoking. I mean... you love smoking – that's why you do it. But at the same time, you think you shouldn't smoke, and you think it's not healthy: "It's not good for me. It's also not good for my surroundings, and it's expensive." But at the same time, you do it every day again and again, because you love it. You love it and you hate it. And there is nothing you can do to change this. You tried stopping many times.

Maybe you stopped for a few years, but then, you start again. Smoking was not done with you yet. Now, when you start meditating, you stop trying to smoke less. You stop trying to be a better person, a smarter person, a healthier person, but instead you just meditate. Like Swamiji says: "Don't try to change – but meditate." And then, you meet yourself. You notice: "Oh, wow. I love smoking. This is not good. I shouldn't love smoking, but I do." And you notice: "I suffer from smoking. Oh, this is terrible."

This is not pleasant to discover these things. And you start giving up control. Instead, you meditate. And what you then experience, maybe, is that you smoke more. You stop worrying about how you are. You just allow yourself to be the way you are, and suddenly, you don't smoke 10 cigarettes a day but 30, and you think: "This is not good. This is not going the right way."

And this is the point where many people get confused or worried. Now, I want to tell you what really happens during this phase.

You see, when you experience the way you really are – without judging it, without thinking, "oh, I shouldn't do this", and without thinking "I should do this instead" –, you let it run its course, but because you meditate, you experience with more awareness. You experience the joys of it, like you smoke, and you love it, and you experience the bad effects of it, the suffering of your body, the weakness, the poison. And both you experience with more awareness than you had before.

And before, you thought: "I have to control this so something good comes out of it", and now, you do the opposite. You don't control, but you experience it – but purely, with more awareness. That's why the meditation is so important. And then, you discover two things. When you experience the pleasurable things, you notice: "Oh, that's nice – but it's nothing. It's nice, yes. I love it", but it's like you look through it. You notice: "It doesn't give me anything. I like it. It's pleasure. It's nice temporarily, for five minutes, but, actually, it's nothing."

And the bad things you experience, the suffering, the pain, the bad health you experience, you experience this too with more clarity, with more awareness than ever before, and then, this can do its work by itself, without you making any decision; without you imposing discipline or rules on yourself. Just by experiencing clearly what you are doing and what are the effects of it, something changes with you. You don't make any decision. You don't make any... what is this English word... resolutions: "This year, I will stop smoking." You don't do any anything like this.

Because you meditate, you experience with more awareness: the joys and the bad effects of it. Both you experience with more awareness than you had before. Before, you thought: "I have to control this", and now, you do the opposite. You experience it – but purely, with more awareness. That's why the meditation is so important.

You just are the way you are. You smoke as much as you want – but you meditate. And just by experiencing this with more and more clarity, it transforms itself. You don't have to do anything.

But it's important to be willing to experience it. What we want is: we want to avoid experiencing the truth. You want to stop smoking without going through the pain. But the pain is what liberates you – and that's the secret. That's the game: you meditate, then you experience more clearly what you are doing, the nice and the bad, and then it changes you. You don't have to change yourself. The experience you have with more awareness, that's what changes things – by itself.

You smoke as much as you want – but you meditate. By experiencing this with more clarity, it transforms itself. You don't have to do anything, but it's important to be willing to experience it. We want to avoid experiencing the truth. You want to stop smoking without going through the pain. But the pain is what liberates you – and that's the secret.

So, when you start this, when you start meditating... I tell you in other videos: when you start meditating, your entire life will change by itself, and that's how it works. You meditate, you come closer to your inner being – that what you don't know yet –, you become more aware, and then you experience everything much, much clearer than before. And that's why it's so difficult in the beginning for some people, because then, they experience what they do with more clarity, and it's painful.

That's the game: you meditate, then you experience more clearly what you are doing, the nice and the bad, and then it changes you. You don't have to change yourself. The experience you have with more awareness, that's what changes things – by itself.

But when you are willing for this, it will change it at its root. That's the difference between rules and meditation. When you live by rules, you avoid experiencing what you are doing. The rules protect you from this, but you are not changed. You will be a smoker for the rest of your life. Or if you have other bad habits or bad traits, they will stay where they are. You will stay the same person for your entire life. Nothing changes because your discipline and your rules protect you from experiencing how you really are – but then, nothing can change.

You meditate, you come closer to your inner being, you become more aware, and then you experience everything much clearer than before. And that's why it's so difficult in the beginning for some people, because then, they experience what they do with more clarity, and it's painful. But when you are willing for this, it will change it at its root.

When you start meditating, then, you become stronger in yourself and more aware, and then, you are able to experience yourself the way you are. And by you experiencing how you are and how everything else is, true change happens – by itself. You just have to be willing to experience it.

That's the difference between rules and meditation. When you live by rules, you avoid experiencing what you are doing. The rules protect you from this, but you are not changed. When you start meditating, you are able to experience yourself the way you are, and by this, true change happens – by itself. You just have to be willing to experience it.

That's why when you start meditating, when you start on the spiritual path, there comes a phase in your life where it feels like it's getting worse. It's not getting worse, but for the first time, you are able – and willing – to feel what's going on. You begin to meet yourself. You begin to encounter yourself as you really are.

You begin to experience what you are doing. And this experience, these difficult, painful things you begin to see, they do their work – by themselves. More you don't have to do. All you need to do is meditate every day and be the way you are. So, it's not complicated at all. But this changes you forever. This changes the root.

That's why when you start meditating, it feels like it's getting worse. It's not, but for the first time, you are able – and willing – to feel what's going on. You begin to experience what you are doing. And this experience, these difficult, painful things you begin to see, they do their work – by themselves. More you don't have to do.

When you live by rules, you stay the way you are forever. If you live by meditation, you experience everything the way it is clearly, sometimes painfully, and this changes everything, in no time, forever. Then, it's just gone.

When you live by rules, you stay the way you are forever. If you live by meditation, you experience everything the way it is clearly, sometimes painfully, and this changes everything, in no time, forever. Then, it's just gone.

Something new becomes stronger

I want to tell you about my own favorite addiction: coffee. I love good coffee.

And for me, for this body, coffee is really terrible because I don't sleep. When I drink a cappuccino or espresso, I don't sleep, not only for one night. I don't sleep for a few nights, or, if I sleep, the sleep is not recovering me. I am still tired the next day. And if I drink coffee regularly, after a few weeks or a month, I get increasingly exhausted. So, it's terrible for this body. The effects are not good. The coffee sabotages my energy – but I love coffee. I love the taste, and I love the effect of the caffeine on my nervous system. And I tried to stop many times in my life, and I did.

But then, half a year later or a year or two years later, I start again. And then, after a while, I notice: "Oh, this is not nice, this is terrible", and I stop, only to start again. But seven years ago, I started the Samarpan Meditation, and then, I started doing things completely different. I still drank coffee – but I stopped judging myself for it. I stopped trying to change this. I stopped trying to not drink coffee – quite the contrary. I just drank as much coffee as I wanted. Today, I don't drink any coffee anymore. But the interesting thing is this: I still want to drink coffee.

I love it. Often... The last two days, I was very tired because in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, there was, in the middle of the night, a discourse from Swamiji, and I really wanted to attend this discourse live online. So, I got up at 2:30 in the morning, listened to the discourse until 4:30, and then I stayed awake. So, I was very tired the entire day and the next day. And when I am tired, when I am physically exhausted like this, then, this urge to drink coffee is especially strong for me. But even without this, sometimes I just love to have a coffee. But you know what happens today?

These days, it's like this: I feel this lust for coffee, but at the same time, there is something else. At the same time, there is this clear desire: "No, I will not do this. I don't need this." It's like the wisdom which developed out of experiencing it over and over again with awareness, this has become so strong, my soul has become so strong through meditating year after year, that now, this urge for having coffee, this lust, this joy to have a coffee, which is still there, it's not strong enough anymore. Something new is there, and this new is much stronger by now.

I feel this lust for coffee, but the wisdom which developed out of experiencing it over and over again with awareness has become so strong, my soul has become so strong through meditating year after year that now, this urge for having coffee which is still there, is not strong enough anymore. Something new is there, and this new is much stronger by now.

And that's how it can be. You don't have to become wise. You don't have to give up anything. Your bad habits don't have to go away – they don't. But something else is growing. This connection to yourself, this connection to your soul, this awareness, this consciousness, this is growing, and it becomes so much bigger than all the bad things, all the bad habits, all the weaknesses.

And that's how it can be. You don't have to become wise or give up anything. Your bad habits don't have to go away, but something else is growing. This connection to yourself, to your soul, this awareness, this consciousness, is growing, and it becomes so much bigger than all the bad things, all the bad habits, all the weaknesses.

That's how it can work. I just gave you one example with coffee, but this is true for everything. And that's why Swamiji says: "Don't try to change. Be the way you are – but meditate." And these two things together, they create the magic.

And then, you come closer to yourself, and not only this wisdom develops out of this, this strength, which lets you do the right things without you doing anything. You don't follow rules. You don't need rules. You do the right thing automatically, and this is such an easy life.

And then, you come closer to yourself, and this wisdom develops out of this, this strength, which lets you do the right things without you doing anything. You don't follow rules. You don't need rules. You do the right thing automatically, and this is such an easy life.

And the closer you come to yourself, the more you love yourself.

You just love more and more. Your entire life becomes a love affair.

The closer you come to yourself, the more you love yourself. You just love more and more. Your entire life becomes a love affair.

So, I was talking about the Ten Commandments, about rules, about discipline. And in the old days, this was the only way possible for humanity to live together. But now, there are new times dawning. We are at the dawn of a new age. This dawn is already going on since a long time, since many years.

And the characteristics of this new time is that now, it is possible for normal people like you, like me, who live in society, with a job, with a family, with bad habits, with addictions, with trauma and with all kinds of screwed-upness... for us, it's possible to walk this path to the inside: to put God first.

And that's the Samarpan Meditation. That's the tool for this. There were always very rare human beings who walked that path. At all times, these kinds of human beings existed, but they were rare, and they were not accessible. They went away into a cave or on a mountain or into the Himalayas. They couldn't do this in society. But now, the time has come that everybody can do this. This time is beginning now.

That's why this meditation is coming now into society, giving you the chance to put this into practice, as you are. And just so there are no misunderstandings, I want to mention two things. The one thing is you: don't have to change your life. You see, the characteristics of a rule-based life is that you decide today: "Okay. It doesn't work like this. From now on, I will do everything different. I will follow these rules, and then, everything will be fine." You know this doesn't work.

Samarpan Meditation is the tool for this. There were always very rare human beings who walked that path, but they couldn't do this in society. But now, the time has come that everybody can do this. This time is beginning now. That's why this meditation is coming now into society, giving you the chance to put this into practice, as you are.

The path of meditation is completely different. You don't change anything. You don't have to change your life. You don't have to decide: "From now on, I won't do this. I won't do that." You don't do this; it wouldn't work anyway. It's like, you leave your entire life the way it is. You leave yourself the way you are. You don't change. You don't make any grand resolutions. You don't make any plans. The only thing you do is: you add the meditation to your life, this one half an hour every day. All the rest happens by itself. And that's why it's doable.

The characteristics of a rule-based life is that you decide today: "From now on, I will do everything different." You know this doesn't work. The path of meditation is completely different. You leave yourself the way you are. The only thing you do is: you add the meditation to your life. All the rest happens by itself. And that's why it's doable.

You cannot change yourself. You cannot make resolutions. They only work for a few days. But you can meditate every day for half an hour, just in addition. You don't have to achieve anything. You just sit down and do the meditation. How it works, I explained to you elsewhere, not in this video. But it's totally simple. Anybody can do it. It doesn't cost anything – it's free. So, you don't have to do anything difficult. You don't have to change your life. You don't have to give up your religion. You don't have to join another religion.

You don't have to become something else. You don't have to drop bad habits. Anybody can do this. Men, women, even children. It doesn't matter which nationality you are. It doesn't matter which culture. It doesn't matter which religion. You don't need money for it. You just add it to your life, as you are, as your life is. That's the one thing. So, don't imagine that you have to make a big change. And the second thing is: it just takes a little bit of time. People have this imagination: "If I do the right thing, then everything will be different immediately."

You cannot change yourself. You cannot make resolutions. They only work for a few days. But you can meditate every day for half an hour, just in addition. You don't have to achieve anything. You just sit down and do the meditation.

That's what we want. But this is not how life works. Every growth takes time. Look out in nature, how beautiful everything is. Now the time starts... it's springtime. It's the last day of February today, but already, although it's still cold outside, the days become longer, the sun is shining longer, and on little spots here and there, you see that the first tiny little sprouts are coming out of the earth, the first fresh green, and soon, it will grow everywhere. But this growth takes time. You see it out there. It just takes time – it's natural.

And this change in you and in your life, this growing connection to yourself, to God, and this effect that your life and all of your habits and everything you do, will change by itself – this just takes time. Don't wait for any change. Don't expect any change. Be the way you are. Meditate. You have all the time in the world for this. So, you don't need to change. You don't have to make big changes in your life, and it just takes time. These are the two things you should know.

And the second thing is: it just takes a little bit of time. People have this imagination: "If I do the right thing, then everything will be different immediately." That's what we want. But this is not how life works. Every growth takes time.

In freedom, the pendulum swings out

And now, I want to read out a few emails. I love to do this after I spoke about a certain aspect of life like today. Basically, I speak about the same thing in every video, but in a different way, from a different angle every day. And when I answer to questions from emails or from letters or from comments, then, that what I was talking about gets practical.

I get these practical life questions where people ask me: "Okay, but how does this work concretely, practically, in life?" And by answering to those real-life questions, it becomes very clear what it actually is that I am talking about. That's why I like to include some emails and the answers to these emails in a video. And I will start with this now. Let's start with the first question.

"I have tried to play with my way of eating. I just ate as much as I wanted and whatever I wanted, especially after I returned from India. But now I stopped after putting on 13 kilos, and I really did not feel well with it in the long term. So, I think it does take self-control and self-discipline. I've always made sure that I don't overdo it. Sometimes, there were times when I ate like a pig, and then I put on three kilos in a short amount of time.

And then, if I don't pull the emergency brake, I end up like a huge barrel. I've never tortured myself by not indulging, but, ultimately, I am not doing anything good for my body, and I am burdening my body just with garbage, if I don't discipline myself. So, isn't discipline part of being who you are? I remember that Swamiji also referred to discipline several times, and he talked about the balance of things connected with eating.

I also experience time and again that I feel better overall when I don't eat too much. Unfortunately, there is a certain excessiveness in my nature. It's like a part of my nature in many areas of my life. But basically, I follow my gut feeling, or, as you wrote so beautifully, I am true to myself. Thank you so much, dear Mikael."

Thank you for your letter. Thank you so much. This lady was writing this email to me after she returned from India where she met Swamiji. By the way, Swamiji is this Indian Guru who is bringing the Samarpan Meditation from the Himalayas into society to everybody. So, she was there, she met him, and when she came back home, she was... You just heard her letter: she just allowed everything.

She probably was astonished about herself, but when you are close to such an amazing Guru – Swamiji is like a living Jesus –, then you come close to yourself automatically. And when you are close to yourself, you are just freedom. You just allow everything. So, she came back home, and she couldn't help it. She just allowed herself to eat as much as she wanted, and she gained 13 kilos in a short amount of time.

When you are close to such an amazing Guru – Swamiji is like a living Jesus –, then you come close to yourself automatically. And when you are close to yourself, you are just freedom. You just allow everything.

And then it gets interesting. You write that you gained 13 kilos, and then you say: you don't feel well with this. You wrote, you stopped doing this because you noticed: this is not good. But then, your thoughts kick in and say: "You see? So, you need me after all. You need discipline. You need my rules. I know it better." These rules which say: don't eat too much. Only eat this. Only eat that. And this is where we get into trouble. Up to this point, everything was running beautifully. You give yourself complete freedom, and you meditate.

You were charged with the spirit of Swamiji, with the energy of Jesus, and you came back and you were free – and aware. So, you ate too much. Naturally, you gained. You gained weight – and you noticed. You gained 13 kilos and you noticed: "This is terrible. I don't feel well. I don't want this." All this happened by itself, just by you being there, experiencing how it is to be this way.

Now, if you can resist to impose rules on yourself again... If you can resist the urge to now fall back into a discipline, but if you can just continue, continue being the way you are, continue being aware as much as you can, then see what happens. Right now, at the time where you wrote this letter, you were at this turning point. You ate and ate and ate, and then you notice, this doesn't feel well. And, naturally, you stop eating too much.

And now, if you just let it go on, you will notice how your food intake will normalize, how you will find a balanced way of eating – all by itself. You don't need the discipline for this. This is what's happening right now by itself. And then, if you let this run its course, eventually, you will forget again. Right now, you are swinging to the healthy side – but you will forget, and then, at some point, you will start eating too much again. More and more, you will enjoy it and you will like it, and you will gain weight again and you will feel: "Oh, this is not good."

But this time, you will feel earlier, you will notice earlier. You will not gain 13 kilos, maybe only three. Who knows? I don't know. And then, you will come back to normal, and you will feel better, all by yourself. No discipline – just by you experiencing how it is, with freedom and awareness. And you will become healthy again, and you will enjoy it. And then, the pendulum is already swinging slower. Then, you will forget again. You will eat again in a way which is not beneficial for you, but not as extreme as the time before, and so on.

And by you experiencing this back and forth, this pendulum to the excessive side, this pendulum back to the natural side, again and again, something happens – out of experience. This is learning which happens by itself. You don't have to think about it. You don't have to write anything down. You don't have to make decisions based on the experiences. You just experience in amazement what you are doing, how it is going back and forth. And all this time, you meditate, and your awareness increases.

By you experiencing this back and forth, this pendulum to the excessive side and back to the natural side, again and again, something happens – out of experience. This is learning which happens by itself. You just experience in amazement what you are doing, how it is going back and forth. And all this time, you meditate, and your awareness increases.

And before you know it, this whole issue will be gone. You will not even notice, because it left silently – silently, because you didn't do anything. It changes without you making a decision, without you making a resolution, without you being strong. The only strength you have is: you meditate, and you are free. You allow yourself to be the way you are. That strength, you have. This discipline, you have. but what that means practically, you just experience.

And that's the trap our mind puts us in, normally. We experience something, and then we think: "Oh, I should not experience this. If I would have done it right, I would not have to experience this. In the future, I want to avoid experiencing this. That's why I need rules." Now, I propose the opposite to you.

Be willing to experience anything – then it will change by itself, in no time. If you are not willing to experience it, but rather avoid the experience, prevent the experience by rules, you will be stuck at the place where you are today forever. No development will happen. And that's why I recommend to you: be the way you are – but meditate.

That's the trap our mind puts us in. We think: "In the future, I want to avoid experiencing this. That's why I need rules." Now, I propose the opposite to you. Be willing to experience anything – then it will change by itself, in no time. If you are not willing to experience it, but rather avoid the experience by rules, you will be stuck at the place where you are today forever.

And then you can live without rules. You can live without discipline, because discipline does not work in the long run. Discipline only prevents the worst from happening. You are stupid, like everybody else. I am stupid, too. And then we impose these rules and these disciplines to somehow cope with our stupidity, with our ignorance.

But when you become willing to experience what it means to be the way you are – and the meditation enables you to experience it with more awareness and with more strength –, then, something else happens; then a change happens deep down in you, by itself. And then, that what is a problem for you today or a challenge will change forever. It will leave you.

You are stupid, like everybody else. I am stupid, too. And then we impose these rules and disciplines to somehow cope with our stupidity and ignorance. But when you become willing to experience what it means to be the way you are – and the meditation enables you to experience it with more awareness –, then, a change happens deep down in you, by itself.

And then you still like eating too much, just like I still love to drink coffee, but you just don't do it anymore.

So, this is the only discipline you need: meditate. If you have this one discipline, this one strength, this is the catalyst for everything else. It will bring you closer to yourself. It will change your practical life, and you will discover the source of happiness, the source of love. It will not only transform your practical life; it transforms your being. It transforms how you experience your life. Then, you live a life as if you are in love all the time. Then, you are in Heaven, and things are easy and only beautiful.

This is the only discipline you need: meditate. If you have this one discipline, this one strength, this is the catalyst for everything else. It will bring you closer to yourself. It will change your practical life, and you will discover the source of happiness, the source of love. It will not only transform your practical life; it transforms your being.

Thank you for your email.

Thank you. I love hearing from you.

Establish contact - with yourself

I would like to read another email.

Now, this lady, she writes about her family situation.

"How do I manage to escape my mother's control mania? I am 50 years old and the mother of three grown up daughters, and I am a grandmother of one grandson. Basically, I don't have a bad relationship with my parents, but sometimes, I have the feeling that my relationship with my mother is only good as long as she has control over how I behave. I feel like I still have to be the well-behaved, good little girl who does her bidding.

Otherwise, I'll be punished by her sulking and breaking off contact, by her rejecting me, so to speak. Funnily enough, breaking off contact is always ambivalent for me. On the one hand, it's a relief to breathe again. It's like a sigh of relief because I finally have some peace and quiet, and she doesn't know anything about me. But on the other hand, I feel guilty because there is no peace.

And then, at some point, my father comes up to me and asks me to make up again, asks me to make peace again because my mother isn't doing well with us having arguments, and neither is he. So, I have to be good again for my father's sake and pretend that everything is fine. And being good means: I always do what my mother wants me to do. For example, if I don't feel like going out with her friends, it's indecent to leave. It's impertinent if I say that I don't fancy these people at the moment.

It's unacceptable if I don't tell her where I am or if I don't call her back or even if I don't answer the phone. I am not a good girl if I meet my grandchild and don't tell her. I am naughty and a guilty person if I just do what I want without telling her. She wants to know everything, otherwise, she is offended. How can I get out of this control game without breaking off contact? Or is breaking off contact the only way?"

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for your email.

You ask whether you can escape this control of your mother without breaking off contact, or weather breaking off contact is needed.

It has nothing to do with your parents. It has nothing to do with your mother, what you experience. This might sound strange to you, but let me explain.

What's needed is not that you break off contact with your mother. What's needed is that you make contact with yourself. When you come closer to yourself, you will discover what I am talking about.

You ask whether you can escape this control of your mother without breaking off contact. What you experience has nothing to do with your mother. What's needed is not that you break off contact with her, but that you make contact with yourself. When you come closer to yourself, you will discover what I am talking about.

In a way, you hint at it in your own letter, when you write: when your mother breaks off contact, it's beautiful for you because finally, you have peace and quiet, and at the same time, you feel bad. You suffer. And this guilt feeling, this suffering, this is your own. This comes from you, not from your mother.

You feel guilty. You feel bad. You say you feel bad because there is no peace. No. There is no peace because you feel bad, because you feel guilty. When you are in peace with how you are, when you are in peace with what you are doing, no matter what anybody thinks about it, then there is peace.

You see, the peace is not something coming to you from the outside. It's not that when there is peace, you feel good.

No. You be in peace with how you feel, no matter what it is – then, there is peace. That's the secret.

And you do this by coming closer to yourself. You do this practically by making contact with yourself. What does this mean? Meditate.

Peace is not something coming to you from the outside. It's not that when there is peace, you feel good. No. You be in peace with how you feel, no matter what it is – then, there is peace. That's the secret. And you do this by coming closer to yourself. You do this practically by making contact with yourself. What does this mean? Meditate.

You don't know what that means. You don't know what it means to make contact with yourself because you don't know this self. You don't know where to look for this. You don't know who you are.

And that's why you look for happiness out there. That's why it's so important for you what your mother thinks about you. That's why it's so important for you how your mother feels and your father.

But this all will be irrelevant for you when you get in touch with your own true nature, with your soul, with God. And I mean it totally practical. I am not talking about some esoteric or religious ideas. You meditate every day. You leave everything the way it is, and you come closer to yourself. And by this closeness, you discover a strength and an awareness.

You don't know this self. You don't know where to look for this. You don't know who you are. And that's why you look for happiness out there. That's why it's so important for you what your mother thinks about you. But all this will be irrelevant for you when you get in touch with your own true nature, with your soul, with God.

And then, it's like what I described in my previous answer to the lady who talked about her eating habits. You don't change anything on the outside. You can't change it anyway. I mean, look: you are 50 years old. You are suffering from this all your life. And my guess is that all your life, you have tried to change this, but nothing works.

And I propose to you a completely different way. I propose to you: don't worry about changing the situation. Don't worry about changing your mother or yourself. You are 50 years old. You know: this doesn't work. Instead, I propose to you: begin to build a relationship with your soul. Turn to that. And, as far as the outside is concerned: leave everything the way it is. And by this, I really mean everything.

Sometimes, you are in that phase where you are alone because your mother punishes you and does you a favor by this, because then, you have your peace and quiet. You are alone and you enjoy it – and you feel guilty. And at some point, you go back. You go back into the situation with your mother, and you experience again how this is. You experience her control. You experience your feelings. And then, at some point, you had enough of that, and you suffer from it.

And this gives you the urge and the strength to be the way you are, and then she kicks you out again. And then, you are alone again, and you enjoy that, but not for long because you feel guilty. And by experiencing both aspects of the situation, the one side of the pendulum, so to speak, and the other side of this pendulum, by experiencing all of this without judgment, without the urge to control this or to change this, when you at the same time meditate, the change will happen by itself; it's always the same.

No matter what the problem is – that's the magic of meditation –: if you bring awareness to it, if you work on raising your awareness and the closeness to yourself, then you just experience what is, all the aspects of it, and just by you shining your awareness on it, by you experiencing it pure, without judgment, without wanting to have it be different, a change happens, but out of itself. And that change is real. That change has a foundation in you. You grow stronger.

No matter what the problem is – that's the magic of meditation –: if you bring awareness to it, then you just experience what is, all the aspects of it, and just by you shining your awareness on it, by you experiencing it pure, without judgment, without wanting to have it be different, a change happens, but out of itself. And that change is real.

Just like with the coffee. I gave this example earlier that my coffee urge is not gone. I still love coffee – but something else grew stronger. And in the same way, I have certain habits about my personality which I always had in this life, and I still have, like you... You have this tendency to play the victim and succumb to the control mania of your mother. This will not go away. This is just part of your personality. But something else will grow.

A new strength will grow. And then, you still are this person who is funny in that respect, but there is something else, and different things happen, and you don't even know how this is possible. But this is what happens when slowly, slowly, your soul takes over your life.

That's what you experience as 'you': your body and your personality and your mind, your habits, your psychology – this is all the same –, but something which is completely independent of all of this is growing in you. That's what's taking over your life, more and more. And then, you are still the way you are today, your parents still are the way they are today – but everything will be different. It's amazing to experience this.

You have this tendency to play the victim. This will not go away. It‘s just part of your personality. But a new strength will grow. And then you still are this person who is funny in that respect, but there is something else, and different things happen, you don't even know how this is possible. But this is what happens when slowly, slowly, your soul takes over your life.

So, this is my advice to you. Don't worry about the control of your mother. Don't worry about your weakness or your inability to put anything against it. You take care of something completely different. You take care of the contact to yourself. And when that contact is good, the contact with your mother will be good too. You will experience a miracle, I tell you.

Don't worry about the control of your mother. Don't worry about your weakness or your inability to put anything against it. You take care of something completely different. You take care of the contact to yourself. And when that contact is good, the contact with your mother will be good too. You will experience a miracle, I tell you.

Thank you for writing. I am very touched by your letter. Thank you so much.

He who knows himself can no longer criticize

And there is one more email I would like to read out in this video.

"In practical life, in this duality, we can't avoid criticizing and, therefore, always judging. Don't we? Could you say something about this from a practical point of view?"

Oh, yes. Thank you so much. These short questions sometimes have such a depth. This is amazing.

Is criticizing sometimes the right thing to do, and the judging which goes with it? Isn't this a natural part of life? That's your question, right? Is this not sometimes necessary? That is what you ask.

Now, let me share with you my own personal experience.

Twenty-five years ago, I met my spiritual Master, Soham, and I learned to slowly, slowly accept myself and my feelings and the way I am. I stopped judging myself. Seven years ago... well, seven and a half years ago now, I started Samarpan Meditation when Swamiji, this Indian Guru, came into my life. I started meditating, and since then, every day I meditated, every morning.

In these seven years, there was one day where I didn't meditate. I was in bed with 41°C of fever, and I was so sick. That's the one day in seven and a half years where I couldn't meditate.

I started Samarpan Meditation when Swamiji, this Indian Guru, came into my life, and since then, every day I meditated, every morning. In these seven years, there was one day where I didn't meditate. I was in bed with 41°C of fever, and I was so sick. That's the one day in seven and a half years where I couldn't meditate.

And through this, I came closer to myself. Through this, I stopped judging myself. Through this, I accepted myself. I stopped criticizing myself. I stopped thinking I should be different. Through this, through meditating, through discovering my soul, I became loving to myself, just as Jesus predicts it.

Jesus says: when you put God first, when you turn inwards, when you meditate, then, you will love yourself, and then, inevitably, you will love everybody. That's what happens to me. Now I not only love myself, but I started accepting everybody the way they are. And, of course, then, there is no reason anymore to criticize anybody.

Then, there's no judgment. If I don't judge myself, how could I judge anybody else?

Through meditating, I became loving to myself, just as Jesus predicts it. He says: when you put God first, when you turn inwards, then you will love yourself, and then, inevitably, you will love everybody. Now I not only love myself, but I started accepting everybody the way they are. If I don't judge myself, how could I judge anybody else?

It doesn't make any sense – and it doesn't work anyway. We have this amazing belief that if I tell somebody else that what he or she is doing is stupid or wrong or bad, that this will have any effect. It has an effect: it increases your ego. You think you do it better. You think you know it better. But with yourself, you know that it doesn't work. You criticize yourself again and again, you judge yourself, but does it change anything? No.

We have this amazing belief that if I tell somebody else that what he or she is doing is stupid or wrong or bad, it will have an effect. It has an effect: it increases your ego. You think you do it better. You think you know it better. But with yourself, you know that it doesn't work. You criticize yourself again and again, you judge yourself, but does it change anything? No.

And it doesn't change with other people. It doesn't change other people either. It only increases your ego, your positive ego, and the negative ego of the others. But when you begin to meditate – or if you meditate, if you just continue stubbornly every day –, you will start to love yourself the way you are. There will be the strength of love growing in you, and you will stop judging yourself. You will begin to love yourself.

And to the extent that this happens, it will become increasingly impossible for you to criticize or judge anybody else. It just doesn't fit. It's not possible. In the beginning of the video, I gave this example – this example everybody knows out of their own lives: when you are in love with a person, this person is only beautiful. You would never criticize this person while you are in love. The thought doesn't come. You are not able to do this.

It's not that you think "I shouldn't criticize because I love her or him". It's just not part of your being. This ability is not there when you are love. And that's what happens to you when you come close to yourself. And then, of course, the closer you come to yourself, the more you will experience the miracles which happen then: that all the things you tried to change all of your life, unsuccessfully, start changing by themselves.

But when you begin to meditate, you will start to love yourself the way you are. There will be the strength of love growing in you, and you will stop judging yourself. You will begin to love yourself. And to the extent that this happens, it will become increasingly impossible for you to criticize or judge anybody else.

And then you know how it works in life. And then you know, out of your own experience with yourself, how it works with everybody.

Criticizing is basically an expression of utter helplessness. I want the other person to be different. I know they can't be different. I know it doesn't help, but I am so helpless, I am so frustrated, so I criticize anyway. That's all criticism is.

Criticizing is basically an expression of utter helplessness. I want the other person to be different. I know they can't be different. I know it doesn't help, but I am so helpless, I am so frustrated, so I criticize anyway. That's all criticism is.

I don't do this anymore. And if I do it, then it's in a weak, unaware moment, and it hurts myself when I do this.

But instead, when you come closer to yourself and you meditate, you don't need anything from the other person anymore. It's like, increasingly, you realize whom you are meeting in there: life, God, eternity. You stop worrying about what other people do. You stop worrying about what life does.

And then you are not helpless anymore. You are not frustrated with other people anymore, because you are completely independent.

You will not have any need for criticism anymore. So, when you feel the urge to criticize somebody, it's like a flag. It's like a lamp going on which tells you something. It tells you something about yourself.

And rather than criticizing the other person, use this time, use this opportunity, use this energy, use this rage or this frustration, and turn inwards. Bring it to God. Say: "Hey, God, I hate this person. He is so stupid." Bring it to God, and meditate, and become quiet. Make peace with your feelings. Make peace with your own stupidity, and it will bring you closer to yourself, more and more and more.

Thank you so much for writing. Thank you so much.

In contact with your soul, you become love

In this video, I try to shed some light on this question: Do we need this? Do we need rules? Do we need commandments? Do we need discipline? And this last question fits perfectly. Do we need to tell ourselves and the others what is right and what is wrong?

And I tried to tell you a little bit about this other way, that way which Jesus told us about two thousand years ago. It's a very radical way, because it's exactly the opposite of what has been practiced up to now – and that is the path of awareness, which leads to love, the love Jesus was talking about.

When you are in contact with your soul, you become love. You can't do anything wrong. That's how simple it is. And, you know, I am an engineer... I am only interested in practical things. And what I say here in this video is nothing new. It has been said many times before, probably much more beautiful by other people, but what I am interested in is the practical way: "What can I do actually to experience this myself?"

When you are in contact with your soul, you become love. You can't do anything wrong. That's how simple it is.

And that's the Samarpan Meditation – the simple, easy, and free meditation. Every morning half an hour: this brings you closer to yourself. And then, it's like that happens what you cannot make happen by your willpower: you become love. You fall in love with yourself. You fall in love with God. And before you know it, you are in love with everybody, and life is very different, very different than you know it now.

What I am interested in is the practical way: "What can I do actually to experience this myself?" That's Samarpan Meditation – simple, easy, and free. This brings you closer to yourself, and then you fall in love with yourself. You fall in love with God. And before you know it, you are in love with everybody, and life is very different.

And I want to mention two things. I don't know whether I already said this. If I already said it, I'll just repeat it. You don't have to change your life. You can't. Just add the meditation. You don't have to become holy. You don't have to stop drinking. You don't have to stop smoking. You don't have to stop your bad habits. If you are a bad person, you don't have to stop being a bad person. Just meditate, and all of this will be taken care of.

You don't have to change your life. You can't. Just add the meditation. You don't have to become holy. You don't have to stop drinking. You don't have to stop smoking. You don't have to stop your bad habits. If you are a bad person, you don't have to stop being a bad person. Just meditate, and all of this will be taken care of.

Really, that's the way it works.

Support me if it gives you joy

If you have questions about this, about these spiritual things or about your life, I am very happy about your email or your letter or your comment. It inspires me to clarify things and to talk about it, and it helps me, too. It's such a gift for me when I am allowed to do this. If you want to write to me: on my website, on the Ask-me page, you find my contact information. And as I said, I am very happy to hear from you. I will respond, but it will take some time. Please, be a little patient with me.

And mostly, I give the answer... If you write an email or a letter, I will respond to you via email or letter, but most questions I answer at some point also in a video, so everybody can hear it and listen to it. And if you want more of what I do, you find many of my videos on my website or on YouTube. And twice a month, I do Online Satsang: one German Online Satsang, one English Online Satsang every month. I also now started doing retreats where you can meet me personally, in real life, so to speak, for a few days or for a week.

If you like to join me for a few days, you are very welcome. I am looking forward to meeting you in a retreat. Everything I do here online is free of charge: my videos, all the Satsangs, this is all free, and it will always be like this because it's only natural. What I am talking about here is not mine. I am not selling anything. I am just sharing that what you already know. I just remind you a little bit. So, I don't sell anything, and that's why all this is free. And I would like you to enjoy everything freely without any feeling of obligation.

But if you feel like supporting this what I am doing here, if you want to support the videos and the Satsangs, I am very happy about financial support because this helps me to dedicate all of my time and all of my energy to doing this. And it's a lot of work. All of my time, everything I have, including money, goes into this. But it's just joy for me. I only do it for myself, you know... But if you want to help me with this financially, I am very happy. If you feel like this, on my website, on the Donate page, you'll find the information how you can do this.

And the easiest way is if you start a membership. I have a lovely membership provider, Steady is its name, and you can just start a membership in this way. Every month, a small amount – you can choose between different amounts, – is being transferred to me, and this helps me a lot in keeping going with this lovely work, which is not a work, but just a blessing and a joy for me. But in any case, I am just happy that you are here, and I am happy to hear from you.

Thank you for being here.

I love you.