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Satsang with Dhyan Mikael

December 6, 2023: Questions and Answers.

Topics: Thoughts during meditation. Difference between Master and Guru. To the Shibir in India? Too little time in this life? No more incarnation. Hate-love with sexuality. Dealing with feelings, pain and illness. The natural way.

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In my latest Satsang video from December 6, things got really interesting again. A current topic: the last big Shibir with Swamiji begins in India in just under 3 weeks, and many people are asking themselves: should I travel there even if I don't want to? I report on how I deal with this question and how you can find your own answer.

Many people wonder how it is possible that a Guru always has one and the same answer to all the problems of his disciples: how can it be that meditation really solves all worries and problems? In this satsang with questions from so many different areas, I address this very point again.

All topics of this Satsang: Thoughts during meditation. Difference between Master and Guru. To the Shibir in India? Too little time in this life? No more incarnation. Hate-love with sexuality. Dealing with feelings, pain and illness. The natural way.

I am always deeply touched by the questions that reach me. For me, every single question is a gift, like something that enriches and transforms me.

Swamiji's Nagpur Mega Shibir Dec. 19 - 26, 2023

Swamiji's discourse Wednesday Dec. 20: 14:00 - 15:30 h CET

Swamiji's Megashibir was held in Nagpur, India, from December 19 - 26, 2023. Each of Swamiji's discourses was transmitted in original Hindi, and there was also an English translation of each discourse. Here are the links to pages with the recordings:

Original Hindi: Link to the live recordings on the live page of the Gurutattva channel on YouTube

English: Link to the live recordings with English translation on the live page of the Gurutattva International channel on YouTube

Here is my trick: You can run both the Hindi original and the English translation simultaneously in two different browser windows. The original is played with low volume, while the translation is played quite loudly. This way you can hear and feel Swamiji's energy very well, but at the same time understand what he is talking about through the English translation. I think the combination is just so wonderful.

I published a video about my experiences during the Shibir on December 29th:
Living God, eternal learning: Why it's so cool to have a Guru.