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Two Steps to Heaven

Turning point of the spiritual path.

About this Video:

There are people who start to meditate, who learn to say yes to life, and gradually, as if by magic, everything changes for the better, almost miraculously. But then there are also those who, after a while, realize in frustration: "What I expected isn't happening. It's not working."

In this video, I talk about what lies behind this: the Two Steps to Heaven that are necessary. In the first one, you start with surrender and meditation, but at some point you realize: that's not enough. It's actually about something else.

And then you get to know the second step, quite naturally and of your own accord, simply by continuing to meditate: you no longer say yes to this or that, but you become a Yes, you become surrender. When the one who wants to decide disappears, all questions disappear. This is the beginning of true surrender, and the beginning of Heaven.

In the second part of the video, I answer two questions about practical aspects of life. How do you deal with difficult circumstances that you can't change? And how can you avoid escaping from an old relationship into the arms of a new person and still enjoy everything that life brings?  Relationships show us where we stand with ourselves. Like no other part of life, they help us to strengthen the one relationship that is crucial: the relationship with ourselves.

Complete text for reading along:

Good morning.

I am happy that you are here, and I am happy that I can make another video this morning.

This morning, I want to talk about the two steps to Heaven. I want to talk about a phenomenon which every person on the spiritual path will encounter.

I frequently talk about saying 'yes' to life, about surrender to life, to God.

Why you don't progress

In many of my videos, I tell you to accept what is; accept your feelings.

And I tell you that this is needed to become happy, to find your way back to Heaven, back to paradise. And this is true. This is needed. This is necessary. That's the way: saying 'yes'. Meditating. The Samarpan Meditation – this is the meditation I talk about in almost every one of my videos – that's the tool, the simple tool for normal people like you, like me, to learn this 'yes', this letting go, this surrender.

But then, people hear this and they try it out, and then, a few months later or a year later, they write to me and say: "Hey, Mikael. Nothing changes. This doesn't work."

And I want to tell you what happens. I want to tell you why it doesn't work.

It is like this. When you begin on this path, you learn to say 'yes'. You learn surrender, but you do this out there – you say 'yes' to your circumstances of life. You say 'yes' to your feelings, to yourself, and this is all good. This is the beginning. But you say 'yes' with an agenda. It is not a true 'yes'.

It is not a 'yes' in innocence, but it is a 'yes' connected with an expectation. It is a 'yes' connected with some sort of idea about how it will be when everything is the way it should be. Or to put it in other words: you know how it should be, and you think saying 'yes' and surrender is the means to get there.

When you begin on this path, you learn to say 'yes' to your circumstances of life, to your feelings, to yourself, and this is all good. But it is not a true 'yes'. It is not a 'yes' in innocence, but it is a 'yes' connected with an expectation. Or to put it in other words: you know how it should be, and you think saying 'yes' is the means to get there.

So, you begin to say yes to your feelings so you can come to peace, and you will experience peace. You start saying 'yes' to life's circumstances, and this will make your life much easier. But you believe: "if I do this, then... whatever it is... then, I will have no financial problems anymore; then, I will get the dream partner I deserve; then, I will get the job which will fulfill me and make me successful and happy; then; I will get rid of my fear; then, I will get rid of my feelings", and so on.

For each person, it's different things, but you have certain ideas what it is that you will gain when you walk this spiritual path – I could also say it like this: You think you know how Heaven is – and this doesn't work. But that's the first step. And I am not saying that if you are in this phase of the spiritual path, that you are doing anything wrong. This is not the case. This is needed. Every human being has to go through this phase, through this first step towards Heaven.

But then comes the time where you notice: "It doesn't work. My expectations are not being fulfilled. That what I expected does not take place. Life is not the way I imagined it to be when I do this."

You have certain ideas what it is that you will gain when you walk this spiritual path – this doesn't work, but that's the first step. And I am not saying that you are doing anything wrong. This is not the case. This is needed. Every human being has to go through this phase, through this first step towards Heaven.

And then, there are two possibilities. Some people, when they reach this point in life, they forget the whole thing. They say: this doesn't work.

But then, there are other people, and then, those other people, they start looking closer.

They realize: "Wait a moment. What I am doing here is not really saying 'yes'.

What I am doing here is not really surrender to life. I still have my ideas. I still have my agenda. I am not surrendering at all."

And when you notice this, when you are that mature, when you are that courageous to see this, then you realize: "It's about something else."

But there are other people; they start looking closer. They realize: "Wait a moment. What I am doing here is not really saying 'yes', not really surrender. I still have my ideas. I still have my agenda. I am not surrendering at all." And when you are that mature and courageous to see this, then you realize: "It's about something else."

A Yes for forever

You see, in the beginning, when you begin to say 'yes' to this and 'yes' to that and 'yes' to the feelings and 'yes' to this and that and the other, you still are this person who wants to decide. You still claim the right to say 'yes' or 'no' – and you choose to say 'yes', and that's good. That's the first step. You train yourself to say 'yes', you practice this, but you still are that person who says: "Okay. I agree. In this case, I say 'yes', but we will see about tomorrow."

When you begin to say 'yes' to this and 'yes' to that, you still are this person who wants to decide. You still claim the right to say 'yes' or 'no' – and you choose to say 'yes', and that's good. That's the first step. But you still are that person who says: "In this case, I say 'yes', but we will see about tomorrow."

But then you notice: "this is not what it is about. It is about saying 'yes' to everything, always." That means, it's no question whether I will say 'yes' or 'no'. It's like the real challenge is to not decide anymore: "Do I say 'yes' or 'no'?" The true challenge – and this is the second step into Heaven – is to not decide anymore.

Or I could say, to decide today: "I will stop deciding. I say 'yes' now to everything, for all future. From now on, I am not the one anymore who decides. I am not the one anymore who agrees or does not agree, but I say 'yes' to everything – unconditionally, forever."

The real challenge is to not decide anymore: "do I say 'yes' or 'no'?" The true challenge – and this is the second step into Heaven – is to decide today: "I will stop deciding. I say 'yes' now to everything, for all future. From now on, I am not the one anymore who decides, but I say 'yes' to everything – unconditionally, forever."

So, the question disappears. The question, do I like this or not? Do I agree with this or not? Do I want to say 'yes' or 'no'? That question disappears.

And this second kind of 'yes', this second step, that's what is transforming you. That is what changes everything.

The question disappears. The question, do I like this or not? Do I agree with this or not? Do I want to say 'yes' or 'no'? That question disappears. And this second kind of 'yes', this second step, that's what is transforming you. That is what changes everything.

But that's a challenge, because as long as you are the one who decides, everything is fine: your ego is in control. You say 'yes', you surrender, but you decide. And this is not surrender. This is not 'yes'. But then, when you say 'yes' to everything, when you say to God: "Your Will be done – now and forever"... Basically, you tell God: "Okay. From now on, this is your life, not mine. I give up control. I give up the authority to decide."

But that's a challenge, because as long as you are the one who decides, everything is fine: your ego is in control. You say 'yes', you surrender, but you decide. And this is not surrender. This is not 'yes'.

When you do this, there is no ego. This entity, that person who decides, is no more.

That's the transformation. That's real surrender. That's what I call "the second step into Heaven". The first step is a necessary step, but it's not enough. It's not the real thing, but that's where we start. Everybody has to start here. You start by saying 'yes' to little things and to big things, to this and to that, and then you come to the point where you notice: "Nothing is happening. I am still the same idiot as always. My life is still a mess.

When you say 'yes' to everything, you tell God: "Okay. From now on, this is your life, not mine. I give up control. I give up the authority to decide." When you do this, there is no ego. This entity, that person who decides, is no more. That's the transformation. That's real surrender. That's what I call "the second step into Heaven".

I am still not happy." And that's when you realize: "Okay, I do not get around the real thing. There is no way. I have to really say 'yes'. I have to really surrender" – and that means: saying 'yes' to everything. Surrender forever. My spiritual Master, Soham, said, you can pick every part of your life and you can decide, okay, do I want to say 'yes' to this, or not? Then you pick another part of your life and you think: do I want to say 'yes' to this, or not?

You start by saying 'yes' to little things and to big things, to this and to that, and then you come to the point where you notice: "I am still not happy." And that's when you realize: "I do not get around the real thing. I have to really say 'yes'. I have to really surrender" – and that means: saying 'yes' to everything. Surrender forever.

That's hard. That's a lot of work, and it's endless work. It doesn't lead you anywhere. But instead, you can just take the whole bunch of your life, everything you ever experienced, everything you experience now, and everything you will ever experience in your life, and you say 'yes' to this – one 'yes' covering everything. That's easy. This one yes, that's easy. That transforms you. Something else he said is... He says: "99% is hard, difficult, impossible. 100% is easy."

Just take the whole bunch of your life, everything you ever experienced, everything you experience now, and everything you will ever experience in your life, and you say 'yes' to this – one 'yes' covering everything. That's easy.

If you are still the one who wants to decide, "okay, is this acceptable to me or not?"... As long as you do this, you have a hard life.

But as soon as you accept 100%, everything, this you only have to do once. That makes everything easy. That transforms you. This changes you. This does away with your ego.

99% is hard, difficult, impossible. 100% is easy. If you are still the one who wants to decide, "is this acceptable to me or not", you have a hard life. But accepting 100%, everything, this you only have to do once. That makes everything easy. That transforms you. This changes you. This does away with your ego.

Without ego, life looks different

And it's not that this happens once and then you are done. This is a state of being: living in this constant 'yes'.

It's like you forget all your ideas about life. You forget all your preferences, how you want God to arrange life for you, but instead you forget all of this, and you look how life really is, and you live with it. And by living life every moment without your preferences, without your ideas, there you discover how life really is. But this you have to discover new in every moment, again and again.

It's not that this happens once and then you are done. This is a state of being: living in this constant 'yes'. You forget all your ideas about life, your preferences, but instead you look how life really is. But this you have to discover new in every moment, again and again.

And that's where you discover Heaven – in this 'yes', in this experience of life without your own ideas, without questions, without this question: "do I like this or not?"

That's where you discover Heaven – in this 'yes', in this experience of life without your own ideas, without questions, without this question: "do I like this or not?"

Now, for somebody who does not experience this, for somebody who is not at the second step, this sounds impossible. It sounds crazy. Then you think: "Why should I do this? Why should I say 'yes'? Everything is terrible. There are problems everywhere. Why should I say 'yes' to this? I want it to change."

And it's hard to talk about this, because... You know, what happens is: when you do this second step into Heaven, when you give up control, when you decide once forever 'yes', you are being changed. It's like your eyes change. The way you see life and the way you experience life changes.

When you do this unconditional 'yes', you are being changed. Your vision is changed. What you see changes. How you experience everything changes. Everything is different. Out there, it's still the same, but how it is for you, what you see, what you experience, is completely different. But this, you have to experience by yourself.

You are waiting for a change in life. You think, getting to Heaven means that life will change for the better: no more wars, no more problems, enough money, only nice men, only beautiful women.

You are waiting for Heaven out there. But the change is not happening out there. It's happening in here, in you. And when you do this unconditional 'yes', you are being changed. Your vision is changed. The way you look changes. What you see changes. How you experience everything changes. Everything is different. Out there, it's still the same, but how it is for you, what you see, what you experience, is completely different.

You are waiting for a change in life. You think, getting to Heaven means that life will change for the better: no more wars, no more problems, enough money, only nice men, only beautiful women. You are waiting for Heaven out there. But the change is not happening out there. It's happening in here, in you.

But this, you have to experience by yourself.

When you do this unconditional 'yes', you are being changed. Your vision is changed. What you see changes. How you experience everything changes. Everything is different. Out there, it's still the same, but how it is for you, what you see, what you experience, is completely different. But this, you have to experience by yourself.

That's the difficult thing about the spiritual path: to take this second step without knowing what you will get. You cannot see it. You cannot believe it. And yet you know. You know, it's not that I try to convince you of something. I don't try to sell you anything. I can't do this.

That's the difficult thing about the spiritual path: to take this second step without knowing what you will get. You cannot see it. You cannot believe it. And yet you know.

I tell you about this so you remember. You hear me talk, and if you feel inside of you: "Ah, yes. He is right. I know this"... This, your own knowing, that's what convinces you. That's what enables you to move forward on this path. It's not me. Something in you knows. I just touch this so you can remember. But I can't convince you of anything, and I don't want to. But that's how it works.

It's not that I try to convince you of something. I tell you about this so you remember. You hear me talk, and if you feel inside of you: "Ah, yes. He is right. I know this"... This, your own knowing, that's what convinces you. That's what enables you to move forward on this path. It's not me. Something in you knows. I just touch this so you can remember.

Yes to what's closest to you

Often, people have no idea what it means to say 'yes'. Somebody who has no own experience with this then has some sort of imagination about this. They think: "This means I can't do anything anymore. I will just be the victim of everybody. I will just do whatever other people want, and I will be the victim." But this is not how it is. You say 'yes' to how it is for you. You say 'yes' to what you have energy for, and you say 'yes' to what you do not have energy for, and you can't do it.

You say 'yes' to what life gives you, what you cannot change. Then you accept. Sometimes, life brings you something, and you clearly feel the energy to do something, and then you do this.

It's a very simple, very immediate way of living. You just say 'yes' to what comes to you, including your energy, including your repulsions, including your feelings and everything connected with this.

It's the opposite of being a victim. It's very powerful.

It has nothing to do with doing what somebody else wants. It's not giving attention to what you want and not giving attention to what anybody else wants. You just pay attention to what happens by itself. I will give you a practical example. Your partner comes to you and he or she wants something from you, and suddenly you feel: "No". It's not that you ask yourself: "Do I want this or not?" No. You just feel: "No. This is impossible. No." And then, you'll be true to this.

It's a very simple way of living. You just say 'yes' to what comes to you, including your energy and your feelings. It's the opposite of being a victim. It has nothing to do with doing what somebody else wants. It's not giving attention to what you want and not giving attention to what anybody else wants. You just pay attention to what happens by itself.

You say 'yes' to this – your own energy, and you say "no, sorry", no matter what it means.

Your partner comes to you and wants something from you, and you feel: "No". It's not that you ask yourself: "Do I want this or not?" No. You just feel: "No. This is impossible. No." And then, you'll be true to this. You say 'yes' to this – your own energy, and you say "no, sorry", no matter what it means.

Usually, we have an agenda. We want to be loved. We want that the relationship goes on. We want that everything is fine. We want to avoid conflict. So, we do all kinds of things all day long, although we don't want it, and we don't do certain things we would love to do. We have energy for it, but we are scared that it will upset the partner, or that somebody else will think that we do the wrong thing.

Usually, we have an agenda. We want to be loved. We want that the relationship goes on. We want that everything is fine. We want to avoid conflict. So, we do all kinds of things all day long, although we don't want it, and we don't do certain things we would love to do.

But when you forget about all this, when you forget what you want, when you forget what other people want, and you just pay attention to that what is here, immediate, then it's easy. Somebody comes to you and wants something from you, and you just feel "oh, yes, okay!" Or you feel "no", and that's what you do. Very simple.

But when you forget about all this, when you forget what you want, when you forget what other people want, and you just pay attention to that what is here, immediate, then it's easy. Somebody comes to you and wants something from you, and you just feel "oh, yes, okay!" Or you feel "no", and that's what you do. Very simple.

But it will challenge you, because all of your fears, all of your doubts will come up. It's a very... There, you learn trust. So, it has nothing to do with being a victim of other people – quite the opposite.

This will challenge you, and this will make you strong. And you have no idea where it leads you. I will give you another example. For instance, with a job. You have a job, and with this job, you earn the money you need for living, but you dream of another job. You don't know what that could be, but something different, something which fulfills you, something which makes you happy and gives you money at the same time.

So, you dream about such a job, a job which is not here, and it makes your life miserable. But instead, just look what is here. You have this job which gives you money, and every morning, you go to work. Every morning, you have the energy to do this. It doesn't make you happy, it doesn't fulfill you, but you do it. You have the energy for it, you have the time for it, so you do it.

That's what I mean: saying 'yes'. Now, some people wake up one morning, and they notice: "I can't do this anymore. I will not go there one more time." This is not the outcome of some thinking. Many people think every day about their job. They think: "Should I do this? Should I quit?" This is not what I am talking about. I am talking about forgetting all this thinking. I am talking about forgetting all these questions. I am talking about not deciding but waiting what life does.

Some people wake up one morning and notice: "I can't do this anymore. I will not go there one more time." This is not the outcome of some thinking. Many people think every day about their job: "Should I do this? Should I quit?" I am talking about forgetting all this thinking, all these questions. I am talking about not deciding but waiting what life does.

If you are in this situation where one day you just can't do it anymore, this is life speaking, but this is a challenge. And to be true to that, that requires courage. But this is an extreme case. Usually, this doesn't happen. Usually, you just get up, and it's totally clear for you: "Of course, I go to work today. It doesn't make me happy, but of course, I go to work. Of course, I do the dishes. Of course, I clean the house." No thinking required. No decisions required. That is surrender – very practical, very simple, very down to earth.

The opposite is thinking about things: "What would I want rather than this?" This is what some people call 'mind fuck'.

But you don't need to do this.

You know, it's like this... God knows what he or she wants me to do, and God speaks very clearly – through energy. You don't have to think. It's totally obvious what God wants.

A life without questions

And this is the point where people usually get confused. They think about everything, and then they don't know: "What does God want from me? What does life want from me? What's here?", because they think all the time. And if you are in this state of confusion, it's very simple. There's a trick. Sometimes I do this trick.

If you are not clear what's up right now, you just say, and that's how you can pray: "Hey, God. I have no idea what to do. If you want me to do something here, you need to tell me very clearly, because I don't know. I am confused. I don't know. Is this mind fuck I am doing, or is this life speaking to me? You need to make it clear to me." And then you forget about it. You stop thinking. You stop worrying about anything. You just do whatever is obvious to you, and you will be surprised.

If you are not clear what's up right now, that's how you can pray: "Hey, God. I have no idea what to do. If you want me to do something, you need to tell me very clearly. Is this mind fuck, or is this life speaking to me? You need to make it clear to me." Then you forget about it. You just do whatever is obvious to you, and you will be surprised.

Because as soon as you do this, after you let go of all your questions and all the thinking, in no time, it becomes totally obvious what wants to happen now. It's really like magic, and that's what I do often. I say: "Hey, God. If this is not what you want, prevent me from doing it, or if you want me to do something else, make me do so, because I don't know". And God does – very directly.

After you let go of all your questions and all the thinking, in no time, it becomes totally obvious what wants to happen now. It's really like magic, and that's what I do often. I say: "Hey, God. If this is not what you want, prevent me from doing it, or if you want me to do something else, make me do so, because I don't know". And God does – very directly.

I want to stay with this example of the job. Maybe you are totally confused and your mind makes your life difficult because your mind thinks about your job all the time: "I could have a better job, and it could be much easier. I don't want this. I don't want to go to work."

And then, you just pray. You sit at breakfast, and you pray: "Hey, God. I am sick of this. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I want. This is not my business. You decide." And then, you just watch what happens. And then you finish your breakfast, you clean up the kitchen, and then you notice how you walk to your car, and you drive to work. That's how you know.

Or you get up, clean the kitchen, and you think: "I don't want to go to work", and you go back to bed, and then you sit there and you forget everything. And then you notice how you feel totally uncomfortable and totally uneasy, and then you notice: "I am not at the right place. This is not where life wants me."

You get up, you get dressed, and you drive to work. You can't do it wrong, you know... So, I wanted to give you some practical examples what this means, saying 'yes', because when it gets practical, then it's easy to get confused when you don't have your own experiences with this whole matter.

So, I talked about these two steps. The first step is: you begin to practice saying 'yes' in all these practical aspects of life, including your own feelings, including yourself and how you are.

And then you will come to this point where you notice: "No. This can't be it. I don't know what I am doing here. This can't be it. It doesn't work." And when you are at this point, for this time, I make this video – that you know: "Ah, there is a different kind of surrender, a different kind of 'yes'. What I was doing so far was not the real thing."

And then you begin to say 'yes' forever, and you begin to surrender unconditionally to the moment – forever.

I said this earlier: it's not that you do this once. It's like you have to do this every moment again. The ego doesn't disappear in one instant.

You realize: this 'yes' what is required of me in order to be really happy, in order to return to Heaven, this 'yes' is not a 'yes' to something specific, but a basic attitude. "Okay, God. From now on, I am a Yes. From now on, I am surrender." And in this 'yes', in this surrender, there is no space for ego. There is no ego. But as soon as you stop this kind of being, ego is back. So, it's adopting a new way of being rather than a specific 'yes' or a specific surrender to something.

This 'yes' what is required of me in order to be really happy, in order to return to Heaven, this 'yes' is not a 'yes' to something specific, but a basic attitude. "Okay, God. From now on, I am a Yes. From now on, I am surrender." In this 'yes', in this surrender, there is no space for ego. There is no ego. But as soon as you stop this kind of being, ego is back.

And that's what life is about. That's what transforms you. That's what changes your experience of life and of yourself completely.

And this is something you then are always.

So, it's not one 'yes' and then you forget about it. It's a 'yes' that begins, and it goes on forever. It's a surrender which begins today, and it goes on forever. That's why I say: that kind of 'yes', that kind of surrender, you do again and again and again, with every breath, with every heartbeat.

It's not one 'yes' and then you forget about it. It's a 'yes' that begins, and it goes on forever. It's a surrender which begins today, and it goes on forever. That's why I say: that kind of 'yes', that kind of surrender, you do again and again and again, with every breath, with every heartbeat.

Now I would like to read out a few emails and answer the questions which come with the email. And I love to do this, because by answering to the practical questions about life from people, that what I talk about in the video becomes more tangible, becomes more understandable.

And it's interesting, you know... The questions I will read out now, I didn't specifically select to fit to the topic of this video. These are just the next emails which are up for answering. But it always fits, because the basic answer is always the same. It's always about understanding what it is what I need to do, understanding how this true 'yes', how this true surrender, looks like in a given situation.

That's why I can answer any question in any video, no matter what the specific topic is, because the answer is always the same. In every video, all I try to do is give you a taste of what this one task you have in this life is about. And then, slowly slowly, you get a taste of this, and then you make your own experiences, and then you understand. Only then. That's why I like these practical aspects so much. That's why I love to answer questions in the video.

Accepting how you are

So, let's start with the first email. And this first email, actually, is a follow-up question that the lady who is writing in the first email, which I will read out in a moment, wrote to me before. I think in the Satsang in January, I answered her. She is in a situation... She lives in Austria, and she is married, and she lives separate from her husband. She would like to get divorced, but her husband does not agree. I am not a lawyer.

I am not an expert in divorce law, but it seems like in Austria, you can't get divorced if your husband or wife does not agree. So, she is in this situation where she can't get a divorce, but her husband still lives in the house they have together. And because they are married legally, they share the financial responsibility for what they have. Now she is very worried what might happen. The husband now wants money from her to maintain the house, and she asks: "What can I do?

I am scared. I am scared that..., You know, I can't get divorced, so I am in this financial responsibility, and I am scared that I will lose money through this. Now this man wants money from me. How can I deal with this situation?" And my first answer to her in Satsang was that her way to handle the situation is to be willing to be wrong: to be willing to be the way she is, and that this will change everything for her. And now she writes back the email I will read out to you now.

"Beloved Mikael, thank you for the answer to my questions in Satsang. I still have a few questions on this topic. Can you say something more about how I should accept being wrong? How does that work in practice? My question was about my husband who wants me to give him money to renovate the house. I feel fear.

I am still legally married, and he has twice refused to allow the divorce. And if something happens, I am forced to pay. How can I find peace? Can you tell me anything else? I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every word. It is helpful for me. I meditate every day, and I will continue to do so."

Thank you. Thank you so much that you ask one more time.

Yes; how does this look like – being willing to be wrong – in your situation?

Well, it simply means: be the way you are. You know, what gives you the trouble is that you think you should do something, but you can't. You think you should have some ability to handle the situation, but you realize: "I can't handle this. I have no idea what to do.

I am helpless. I am scared."

Accept how you are, including your feelings.

That's the first step for you: "Okay, I am the way I am: incapable, scared."

What gives you the trouble is that you think you should do something, but you can't. You think you should have some ability to handle the situation, but you realize: "I can't handle this. I have no idea what to do. I am helpless. I am scared." Accept how you are, including your feelings. That's the first step for you: "Okay, I am the way I am: incapable, scared."

You think you should know what to do – but you don't.

You want to magically change the situation, but you can't. The first step for you is to make peace with this. You are the way you are, no matter what you think about it.

And when you do this, there is a second step which will happen naturally, by itself. Once you begin to make peace with yourself and with how you are, you will naturally begin to make peace with the situation. You see, the situation is not the problem. The situation is just the way it is.

What's so difficult for you is how you are: your fear, your helplessness, all your feelings, all the things you think about yourself.

Once you make peace with this, you will discover that the outward situation is not the problem. It just is the way it is.

You see, the situation is not the problem. The situation is just the way it is. What's so difficult for you is your fear, your helplessness, all your feelings, all the things you think about yourself. Once you make peace with this, you will discover that the outward situation is not the problem. It just is the way it is.

And then something else happens. When you start making peace with how you are and how you feel, then it is as if something new comes in. I call this creativity. As soon as you arrive where you are right now by accepting it, and this starts with yourself, then you get completely new ideas. You will get inspiration for how to handle this situation which you cannot imagine right now. What this is specifically, I don't know. Life will tell you – because you are in your situation.

When you start making peace with how you are and how you feel, then it is as if something new comes in. I call this creativity. As soon as you arrive where you are right now by accepting it, and this starts with yourself, then you get completely new ideas. You will get inspiration for how to handle this situation which you cannot imagine right now.

You will be surprised.

But it all starts with yourself. It all starts with you making peace with yourself, how you feel, how you are, how you are not. Make peace with that.

And when you are in peace with yourself, the way you experience your situation will completely change.

It all starts with you making peace with yourself, how you feel, how you are, how you are not. Make peace with that. And when you are in peace with yourself, the way you experience your situation will completely change.

That's where you learn this 'yes'. This video was about or is about these two steps to Heaven.

You are at step one. Start making peace with what is. Say 'yes' to this – but start with yourself.

The 'yes' you develop for yourself and for your feelings, that will then carry over, and then you have a 'yes' to everything else.

You are at step one. Start making peace with what is. Say 'yes' to this – but start with yourself. The 'yes' you develop for yourself and for your feelings, that will then carry over, and then you have a 'yes' to everything else.

In this video, I told you that this initial 'yes', this 'yes' of the first step, is not enough. The real thing is something else. But I also told you: you need to be where you are. You can't jump over anything, and you don't need to. There is no hurry. You are in the first step. You learn to say 'yes' to what's on your plate right now, to what's in your heart right now, to your feelings.

And this will automatically bring you to all the next steps which come on your path. It happens automatically. You don't have to be wise. You don't have to be smarter than you are. I have no clue about my life. I have no idea what will happen next. I just say 'yes' to now, as well as I can.

I have no clue about my life. I have no idea what will happen next. I just say 'yes' to now, as well as I can.

So, this is what I mean by 'being willing to be wrong' for you practically.

And then, at some point, you will not only say 'yes' to how it is for you now, but you will say 'yes' to everything. But that's the second step. We grow into the second step automatically, just by doing the first step. Then it's easy.

And then, at some point, you will not only say 'yes' to how it is for you now, but you will say 'yes' to everything. But that's the second step. We grow into the second step automatically, just by doing the first step. Then it's easy.

I could tell you: "Don't worry. Everything is fine." I could tell you: "Don't be scared. There's no reason to be scared." But this does not help you. That's why I tell you: "Be scared. Say 'yes' to the fear. Be the way you are." That is possible, that is doable, and that's easy. Being different than you are is impossible.

I could tell you: "Don't worry. Everything is fine." I could tell you: "Don't be scared. There's no reason to be scared." But this does not help you. That's why I tell you: "Be scared. Say 'yes' to the fear. Be the way you are." That is possible, that is doable, and that's easy. Being different than you are is impossible.

And any change which wants to happen in your situation will happen magically. You will be surprised. I have a clear feeling about this in your life, and I am really curious what you will tell me a year from now. I am happy to hear that you meditate. That's all which is needed. Meditation will help you to develop the courage for this 'yes'. This meditation will help you to make peace with yourself every morning, with your feelings, with your fear. Take this fear with you into the meditation, and just be the way you are, and meditate like this.

I am happy to hear that you meditate. That's all which is needed. Meditation will help you to develop the courage for this 'yes'. This meditation will help you to make peace with yourself every morning, with your feelings, with your fear. Take this fear with you into the meditation, and just be the way you are, and meditate like this.

Don't think. Forget all the thoughts. Just meditate. Be the way you are, no matter how this feels.

And tell me what happens if you want. I am curious.

I am happy that you are here.

You don't need to decide anything

I am so touched by these questions. Okay. Let's go on to the next email.

"For quite some time now, I have no clue of what's going on with my husband. We talk, but we don't understand each other. I know that he finds me strange, me and my many questions and my sensitivity. I was able to stop craving his approval, but now there has been nothing but silence for months. I cannot and don't want to tell him what's bothering me. It doesn't feel safe with him. We already separated in spring, and since then, I have been dependent on support due to my exhaustion.

I was in a hospital, in a clinic, and then with my mother. During this time, my husband took care of the children, of the house and the work, and he does a great job with this. I had a lot of time for myself, and I met a man, my neighbor, who occasionally came for a walk with me and who encouraged me, based on his own experiences with his own crises. It feels good to be with us, to be able to talk about everything and not feeling weird about my own idiosyncrasies and feelings.

There is a great sympathy on both sides. My relationship with my husband has reached the point of silence, and the relationship that this new man has with his partner is at the same point. Now I am worried that I am falling into the next trap, like fleeing into something simpler because the thing with my husband feels so difficult, because for years, there seemed to be no solution, and because the more I just am how I am, the more I am rejected by my husband.

After the clinic, his condition was that I could come back when I am back to normal, when I leave all the spiritual and esoteric stuff alone. But I can't. Something inside me pulls me there. So, back to my question: am I escaping into the arms of this new, understanding man? Am I missing something? Do you have any words for me?"

Thank you so much for your letter.

I love you. It's like I can feel your situation from the inside so well.

You are worried that you are running into the next trap, so let's talk about how to avoid traps.

You avoid traps by just being where you are. Don't go anywhere. Don't run into the arms of this new man, don't run away from your husband, but simply be where you are, including everything, including your feelings, including your frustration about the situation with your husband and that nothing changes since years.

Don't go anywhere. Don't make a decision, but be where you are and experience what's in your life right now.

You avoid traps by just being where you are. Don't run into the arms of this new man, don't run away from your husband, but simply be where you are, including your feelings. Don't go anywhere. Don't make a decision, but be where you are and experience what's in your life right now.

You enjoy the new man, and you experience the difficult situation with your husband and all the other things happening in your life.

You see, the situation with your husband is so difficult for you because there was a time when you thought that this is it, this makes you happy – but it doesn't. It's difficult. Now you met this new man, and now you think, "ah, this will make me happy". Of course, it won't, but that's how it feels right now.

And as long as you look for happiness out there, you will be disappointed. It's inevitable.

The situation with your husband is so difficult for you because you thought that this makes you happy – but it doesn't. Now you met this new man and you think, "this will make me happy". Of course, it won't, but that's how it feels right now. And as long as you look for happiness out there, you will be disappointed. It's inevitable.

But I suggest to you that you stop running away from something and that you stop running towards something.

I suggest to you that you stop avoiding something and also stop getting something, but just be where you are.

It's like: don't decide, but accept.

I suggest to you that you stop running away from something and that you stop running towards something. I suggest to you that you stop avoiding something and also stop getting something, but just be where you are. It's like: don't decide, but accept.

Earlier in this video, I spoke about that initially in life, we learn to say 'yes', and we learn to surrender to life in these individual situations. But then, later, we realize: "This is not it. What's required of me is that I stop making decisions, but just say 'yes' to everything, how it is now." And you are at this point. The situation you face right now is a perfect playground to practice this.

You get up in the morning and you pray to life, to God, and you say: "Hey. Thank you for this life. Thank you for my husband. Thank you for this new man. Thank you for my feelings. I say 'yes' to all of this, like I did yesterday, and like I will do tomorrow."

And then you are just where you are. You make no decision. You know, it's easy. You have this husband, and you don't want this what you experience with him. Then there is this new guy, and it's lovely, and you like what you experience with him. And it's very tempting to make a decision. It's very tempting to believe: "Oh, this old, I don't want this anymore. This new, this is it." But instead, don't decide.

Be where you are – with everything. And, you know, it's like God knows exactly what she is doing. You can't see the perfection, but it's perfect. And what happens is that this situation you are in changes you. The situation with your husband forces you to be true to yourself. You think it's a problem, but in reality, it's a help for you. It throws you back onto yourself. It makes you strong.

You get up in the morning and you pray to life, to God, and you say: "Hey. Thank you for this life. Thank you for my husband. Thank you for this new man. Thank you for my feelings. I say 'yes' to all of this, like I did yesterday, and like I will do tomorrow." And then you are just where you are. You make no decision.

It forces you into your own arms. This is so valuable. Life shows you: this is not where you find happiness. You need to look some somewhere else – and you are on that path to the inside. Now comes this new man, and this is great because he promises you: "Oh, I'll make you happy." This is lovely, and this tempts you to go back away from yourself, but you don't have to. You can just stay where you are – inside of yourself.

You have this husband, and you don't want this what you experience with him. Then there is this new guy, and it's lovely, and you like what you experience with him. And it's very tempting to make a decision. It's very tempting to believe: "Oh, this old, I don't want this anymore. This new, this is it." But instead, don't decide. Be where you are – with everything.

Your husband helps you to learn to be with yourself because it's impossible with him, and this new man helps you to become even stronger in yourself because it's such a nice temptation to go out there again and to believe in the dream again that a man will make you happy. Now, I am not saying to avoid anything.

You can just stay where you are – inside of yourself. Your husband helps you to learn to be with yourself because it's impossible with him, and this new man helps you to become even stronger in yourself because it's such a nice temptation to go out there again and to believe in the dream again that a man will make you happy.

I am not saying you shouldn't meet this new man. I am not saying that you should move back in with your husband. I am just saying: be where you are. Experience everything – without a decision. This will change you. And out of this change which happens in you without you doing anything, everything else will develop by itself.

I am not saying to avoid anything. I am not saying you shouldn't meet this new man or move back in with your husband. I am just saying: be where you are. Experience everything – without a decision. This will change you. And out of this change which happens in you without you doing anything, everything else will develop by itself.

This situation also changes your husband. It also changes this new man. You know, when you are true to yourself, when you are where you are, if you refuse to decide, if you refuse to run anywhere, not in his arms, not away from the old man, if you just remain stubbornly where you are, this will change you and the men and everything else, because it allows the situation to do its work. That's all which is needed. This situation has been created for all of the people involved to get changed, to grow, and you can trust this.

When you are true to yourself, when you are where you are, if you refuse to decide, if you refuse to run anywhere, not in his arms, not away from the old man, if you just remain stubbornly where you are, this will change you and the men and everything else, because it allows the situation to do its work. That's all which is needed.

I want to tell you about the end of my last relationship.

Right now, I am living with my partner and her two kids. We are together since many years. But before this relationship, I was in a very long relationship with another woman. I think we were together ten years or something like this.

And then came a time where I noticed: "Ah, something changes. This relationship probably will come to an end." I am talking about a time which is, I think, fifteen years ago.

And at that time, I was already with my spiritual Master, Soham, since ten years. And when I came to this point with this girlfriend, I fell in love with another woman, and I thought: "Oh, this is much nicer, and this old relationship comes to an end." I felt it clearly. But my Master gave me a good advice.

Soham told me: "Don't think about it, don't talk about it, don't discuss it with your girlfriend, but be where you are. Feel yourself. Feel your feelings, and just stay where you are. Don't do anything." And that's what I did. And then, the relationship did come to an end, but it took years – I think it took another three years.

I was not making any decision. This other woman I was in love with was long gone, then I fell in love with another one. But I didn't move. I didn't run into anything new, and I did not decide to end something old. I just remained where I was. I was just feeling myself. I just felt my feelings every day. I refused to decide. I refused to move. I refused to move away from something, I refused to move towards something new, and then, something amazing happened.

I said, I didn't think about it at all. I didn't talk about it. I was just experiencing life every day the way it was. And then, one day, about three years later, I suddenly noticed: "Wow. The relationship is gone. It ended. Where did it go?" It had ended by itself. It evaporated slowly, gradually, by itself. That's how things end. We cannot end anything. We cannot begin anything. It all happens by itself. Of course, we try to begin new things, we try to end things, but it never works. It's always a mess.

I just felt my feelings every day. I refused to decide. And then, something amazing happened. About three years later, I suddenly noticed: "Wow. The relationship is gone. It ended. Where did it go?" It had ended by itself. It evaporated slowly by itself. That's how things end. We cannot end anything. We cannot begin anything. It all happens by itself.

Now, in my case, what I just told you, this relationship really came to an end. But I also experienced other situations where then things changed completely and went on in a completely new way which I could have never imagined before. And that became possible because the situation changed me and also changed the other people involved.

And then, everything becomes different. So, you don't know what will happen. Everything is open. Just be open for everything. Don't decide. Be in the moment. And that's easy – if you are willing for this second 'yes', for the second step. That's where you are. Become choiceless.

You don't know what will happen. Everything is open. Just be open for everything. Don't decide. Be in the moment. And that's easy – if you are willing for this second 'yes', for the second step. That's where you are. Become choiceless.

I know... there are things which are more pleasant than others. There are things which are much more difficult and unpleasant than others. But still: no choice. Just: "Thank you, life, for this today. Okay. I feel this. I experience this." And you will be amazed what changes by itself. And you will be surprised in which direction it changes.

There are things which are more pleasant than others. There are things which are much more difficult and unpleasant than others. But still: no choice. Just: "Thank you, life, for this today. I feel this. I experience this." And you will be amazed what changes by itself. And you will be surprised in which direction it changes.

I just told you this story about how my relationship from back then ended. But the result was not that this relationship ended and a new, beautiful relationship started. Of course, I then ended up in a new relationship. First, I was with a few girls for a shorter time, and then, at some point, I met my partner of today, but this is not what happened.

The real thing what happened was: this old relationship ended, and a completely new kind of relationship started – the relationship with myself. I started to be with myself, and I have been with myself ever since. Later, I had friendships with other women. Now I have a relationship with my partner of today, but I am living with myself. That's where I am living. I began to live on a new level, so to speak.

And we cannot decide for this because we don't know this. We don't know this entirely new that will come – but it comes by itself. And we are being raised up to this new unknown just by being where we are. So, if you just are where you are and don't decide anything, you will avoid falling into any trap. You don't run anywhere. You don't run away from anything. You just are where you are, and life will transport you to all the places you need to be.

I began to live on a new level, so to speak. And we cannot decide for this because we don't know this. We don't know this entirely new that will come – but it comes by itself. And we are being raised up to this new unknown just by being where we are.

That's easy.

And meditate every day.

There, you will discover that what guides you. There, you discover that what nourishes you. You probably know this already, but maybe you forget. Just start again.

Meditate every day. There, you will discover that what guides you. There, you discover that what nourishes you. You probably know this already, but maybe you forget. Just start again.

Thank you for writing. I am so touched.

A natural path to the innocent Yes

In this video, I talked about these two steps to Heaven, and these two steps are natural steps. I told you that life begins... spiritual life begins with learning to say 'yes' and to surrender, and we do this in individual situations.

We learn: "Oh, wow. I could actually say 'yes' to this", and then we learn how relieving it is to say 'yes'. We learn what a great relief and joy it is to surrender to that what is. And then, we do this again in the next difficult situation and in the next beautiful situation. And more and more we learn: "Oh, wow. This is really the way to live."

And then we come to this point where we realize: "This is not it. Something is not right. It doesn't work." And then you notice: it's not about saying 'yes' to this and saying 'yes' to that, or surrendering to this and surrendering to that. It's about saying 'yes' to everything, all the time. It's actually about not deciding anymore, about forgetting making decisions, but just being this 'yes' forever, this surrender to life, to God.

That's what transforms you. That's the beginning of the new life. That's when you enter Heaven.

It's about saying 'yes' to everything, all the time. It's actually about not deciding anymore, about forgetting making decisions, but just being this 'yes' forever, this surrender to life, to God. That's what transforms you. That's the beginning of the new life. That's when you enter Heaven.

And it's important to know that this is a natural path.

You can't be further than you are. I am not saying that you do something wrong if you are not doing this second kind of 'yes'. No. This is not what I am saying. I am giving you a heads up. I am just telling you what is coming so you understand yourself and your feelings better.

All you need to do is be where you are. You do this kind of 'yes' which is easy and natural for you today, and this brings you – all by itself, without you having to worry about anything – automatically to the next and the next and the next step.

All you need to do is be where you are. You do this kind of 'yes' which is easy and natural for you today, and this brings you – all by itself, without you having to worry about anything – automatically to the next and the next and the next step.

You say 'yes' to your situation you are in right now because you hope this will make everything better. And you do this many, many times, and then you notice: what you expected, doesn't happen. And then, you learn to let go of your expectations, and out of this develops this real 'yes', this innocent 'yes'. And that is what will transform you and change you, and then, your life is different. It all happens by itself. You just meditate. You just practice the 'yes' you are capable of today.

You say 'yes' to your situation you are in right now because you hope this will make everything better. And then you notice: what you expected, doesn't happen. And then, you learn to let go of your expectations, and out of this develops this real 'yes', this innocent 'yes'. That is what will transform you and change you, and then, your life is different.

No reason to worry about anything.

It all happens by itself. You just meditate. You just practice the 'yes' you are capable of today. No reason to worry about anything.

Support me if it gives you joy

Yes... And, by the way: if you feel like more of Dhyan Mikael, if you want to watch more videos, you can subscribe to my free newsletter. I send out a newsletter every time I publish a new video and a new recording from a Satsang, and if you don't want to miss anything, just subscribe to my free newsletter, and you will get informed by me. And in each newsletter, I also usually write a little bit personal about my own life, about my own personal life experience, just to give you an example about how to live and how to deal with real life.

And everything which I do online, all the videos and all the Satsangs, are free. They don't cost anything, and it has to be like this because that what I share here with you is a gift for me. It has been given to me freely. It's not my own wisdom. I just share what has been given to me – I don't even know where it's coming from, but it certainly is not mine, and that's why I cannot sell it. And it's a gift to me, because by me sharing it with you, I just become happy. And I learn.

Just by talking about it, I learn the same thing again and again and again. It's magic for me. But just for practical reasons, I am very happy for financial support because, basically, all of my time and all of my energy goes into making videos, giving Satsang, answering life questions, and so on. And if you feel joy to support me in this, then I am very happy. And if you are interested: on my website, on the Donate page, I collected information for you how you can support me. The easiest way is just by a membership.

There's a lovely, German membership provider called Steady, you can start a membership there, and in this way, every month, I get a small amount which supports me, and this is a great help for me. It starts with 8 Euros a month. You can choose from several amounts. And this is great for me; when enough people do this, I have enough means to just keep doing videos as much as I can. But there are also other possibilities. On my website, you find all the information.

But the important thing for me is that you know: everything I do online Is free, and I don't want you to have any sense of obligation. This is all for you. And if you feel joy, if it makes you happy, then, support me, and I am happy too. And if you have questions about your life, about your problem, about your spiritual path, I invite you to write to me. I really love getting your emails and your letters. It's inspiring for me, and it helps me to clarify what it is what makes this life so easy and so magic in a practical way.

Thank you for being here.

I love you.